
Visiting poor areas around Delhi

India, February 2024

Together with Tina, Benno flies to India again in February. In Delhi, the two meet up with Sunny, who also greets them at the airport. Over the next six days, the three of them travel together and report on their experiences...

The report is conceived as a picture story. The gallery is currently still under construction (as of 25.04.2024).

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Benno and Tina in Delhi together with our Indian friends Sunny and Manish ...
Nathu is seriously ill, therefore, our friends take him to a nearby hospital...
The distribution continues into the darkness...
One of the three is Naresh. He lost both his legs when he tried to jump onto a moving train. This was nine years ago. He lives with his mother Meera. They both receive a small pension, but it is just enough to cover the rent...