
Visiting people in need in Romania

Romania, March 2024

Together with Tina, Benno traveled to Romania again in March. The starting point of the trip was Cluj. They were welcomed there by our friend Adrian.
Over the next few days, the three of them, together with other friends, visited many, many places. They visited and supported single people, widows and widowers and needy families in their homes. We would like to share some impressions with you in the photo gallery.

Many thanks to you ALL!


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Our friends Benno and Tina were back in Romania. We met our Romanian friends again at the airport...
This lady lives alone and is 89 years old. Her husband died 45 years ago. She is happy despite the simple circumstances in which she has to live. We gave her a food parcel and 500 Leis for firewood...
This is her house.
At the next station, the roof needs to be repaired...
Here, too, money is urgently needed for the makeshift repair of the roof.
Many houses are in very poor condition and the residents have no resources for the necessary repairs.
Tina and Benno bring the children soft toys and a knitted hat.
A woman lives in a makeshift wooden or plastic hut because her house has burnt down. She also receives support.
The current entrance door to the house...
We then visited Maria. She is almost 90 years old and is also cared for by her son. When we asked her, she told us that she is happy and "doesn't need anything". She even gave us two apples...
A purchased washing machine is delivered.
And here an oven is delivered. While Benno and Tina are already back in Germany, photos and loving messages from the supporters continue to arrive... Thank you ALL so much!