
Caps from everywhere

Warm headgear from Germany, Luxembourg, Austria and Switzerland

A performance that cannot be overestimated …

For almost ten years the knitting needles of our knitting friends have been clattering in many places. The colorful treasures come from Germany, Luxembourg and Austria.
This unflagging energy and enthusiasm is amazing. 
Within almost ten years, more than 40,000 warm self-made caps were distributed before winter comes to freezing and needy children in cold areas in various countries, mainly India.
Everywhere the friends help friends teams are traveling before winter, they distribute these wonderful items, usually together with a blanket, which is bought in the respective country.

The colorful treasures have already reached Nepal, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania and India.
This can be called globalization in the context of "human to human", real hands-on commitment! And every stitch tells of special love and dedication.

The joy and laughter during the distribution speak volumes, and we often wish that the shining eyes of those who receive the gifts could be seen by those who produced them with much effort.

Only a fraction of what we would like to convey is shown in the new 'friends help friends' wall calendar 2018. Nevertheless, the texts and photos speak of friendship and helpfulness across borders.
Soon, the new calendar will be sent to ALL friends who supported the work in 2017.
The local friends help teams want to say THANK YOU and express their appreciation to ALL who support the work in the countries with good thoughts, donations and caps.

Below you find the link to the interview of the Märkische Oder Zeitung with Mrs. Helga Triebler and Mrs. Elke Siegemund, who represent the "Strickkreis" in Eberswalde:

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