

Distribution of donations
Photos and Videos:
Alexandra, Fenja & Matthias
29th December 2015, Bamberg loading of the thirty pallets at the Company DB SCHENKER
29th December 2015, Bamberg loading of the thirty pallets at the Company...
The big pallets can only be loaded with a forklift. Therefore after the packing action before Christmas the whole load had to be brought to the courtyard of the freight carrier.
The big pallets can only be loaded with a forklift. Therefore after the...
Ruckzuck everything is loaded...Many thanks to the Teams of DB SCHENKER in Bamberg and Coburg for the tremendous support and for donating the transport to Romania.
Ruckzuck everything is loaded...Many thanks to the Teams of DB SCHENKER in...
24 hours later Liam sent the following photographs from Oradea.
24 hours later Liam sent the following photographs from Oradea.
Here also the unloading is done with a specially organized forklift. The pallets and cardboxes are much too heavy to unload them by hand.
Here also the unloading is done with a specially organized forklift. The...
Eight helpers are ready to store the pallets until the distribution.
Eight helpers are ready to store the pallets until the distribution.
This is the building were the goods can be stored until the start of the distribution on January 02nd.
This is the building were the goods can be stored until the start of the...
The exciting question is: will the pallets fit through this door?
The exciting question is: will the pallets fit through this door?
This is very tight....
This is very tight....
The frame of the door is removed...then it works. Puh
The frame of the door is removed...then it works. Puh
New Years morning shortly after four a.m. Team one is leaving Bamberg.
New Years morning shortly after four a.m. Team one is leaving Bamberg.
Many thanks to Company BBS+Dach GmbH for letting us the mini bus free of charge. After about 13 hours the team will reach Oradea....
Many thanks to Company BBS+Dach GmbH for letting us the mini bus free of...
This photo came by mobile at the first day of the distribution. A colony of self made huts near Oradea which we already visited last winter.
This photo came by mobile at the first day of the distribution. A colony...
The Team at supper with Emma and Liam, who tremendously prepared and organized everything beforehand in Oradea. Thanks!
The Team at supper with Emma and Liam, who tremendously prepared and...
Near Cluj we visit an old lady and her daughter. Together with Cosmin, Petra and Emil, our local friends, we have a look at the very simple apartment. The stove is in a very poor condition and almost no longer usable.
Near Cluj we visit an old lady and her daughter. Together with Cosmin,...
Bruno and Matthias are checking the material.
Bruno and Matthias are checking the material.
The old lady is bedridden and it is freezing cold in her apartment. We decide to buy a new stove and Matthias is taking measure.
The old lady is bedridden and it is freezing cold in her apartment. We...
Together with Cosmin and Emil we discuss which type is stove is most suitable.
Together with Cosmin and Emil we discuss which type is stove is most...
Back from the construction market, it is snowing again. Together with two neighbors of the sick woman, the stove is carried into the only room.
Back from the construction market, it is snowing again. Together with two...
The stove has not yet been installed. The children feel cold and step from one foot on the other.
The stove has not yet been installed. The children feel cold and step from...
It is pitch dark in this room without electricity. Matthias is using his head lamp and only the flashlight of the photo gives the picture this much light.
It is pitch dark in this room without electricity. Matthias is using his...
This lady is very happy about the cap. She is bedridden and waiting for an operation on her spine.
This lady is very happy about the cap. She is bedridden and waiting for an...
Photo series "Visit of people living on tubes for district heating." To come to the simple quarters we are balancing on top of these tubes.
Photo series "Visit of people living on tubes for district heating....
We meet a old sick lady whose life is depending on the district heating tubes.
We meet a old sick lady whose life is depending on the district heating...
Her husband tells us how they removed the insulation of the tubes to find the heat coming from them.
Her husband tells us how they removed the insulation of the tubes to find...
Both receive shoes, jackets and sleeping bags out of our stock.
Both receive shoes, jackets and sleeping bags out of our stock.
Alexandra puts some boots on the lady's feet. They are fitting.
Alexandra puts some boots on the lady's feet. They are fitting.
When we give a jacket to her husband he first looks puzzled at us.
When we give a jacket to her husband he first looks puzzled at us.
Then he is very happy and thanks us for the warm cap of our knitting friends and for the jacket.
Then he is very happy and thanks us for the warm cap of our knitting...
Pauli, a young man, is living all alone directly between the tubes on old mattrasses.
Pauli, a young man, is living all alone directly between the tubes on old...
Late in the evening we are still on the way. It is starting to snow - and what is missing?
Late in the evening we are still on the way. It is starting to snow - and...
Of course the self knitted caps!
Of course the self knitted caps!
The falling snow and the enthusiasm of the children let us feel a bit of the original christmasmood which is often lost in our hectic life.
The falling snow and the enthusiasm of the children let us feel a bit of...
We are distributing bears, dugs, rabbits, cats and dogs. Their new owners are beaming and certainly will take good care of the animals.
We are distributing bears, dugs, rabbits, cats and dogs. Their new owners...
What is wonderful about children is, that their happyness is always coming from their hearts.
What is wonderful about children is, that their happyness is always coming...
Early in the morning when it is freezing cold we distribute 18 banana boxes full of basic foods near Oradea
Early in the morning when it is freezing cold we distribute 18 banana...
One person of each family was sent to pick up our boxes.
One person of each family was sent to pick up our boxes.
We are not able to imagine what it means to live in poorest conditions and be dependent on the help of others.
We are not able to imagine what it means to live in poorest conditions and...
The simple huts are standing lonesome on the wide field. We are filling part of the place with our care packages and the hearts of the People with new hope.
The simple huts are standing lonesome on the wide field. We are filling...
We also are again distributing clothes. Matthias is helping to find Fitting jackets, Pullovers and shoes.
We also are again distributing clothes. Matthias is helping to find...
Carefully the new possessions are sorted or put on at once.
Carefully the new possessions are sorted or put on at once.
Wherever we are, the caps of our knitting friends must not be missing in the romanian winter.
Wherever we are, the caps of our knitting friends must not be missing in...
Our friend Emma is coming from Romania and therefore she not only can translate for us but also can show us those people who are in dearest need for help.
Our friend Emma is coming from Romania and therefore she not only can...
Happily this lady is beaming at us. However ever now and then she is turning sad as her 35 years old son only died last week.
Happily this lady is beaming at us. However ever now and then she is...
With satisfaction our packages and donations are carried to the partially far away huts.
With satisfaction our packages and donations are carried to the partially...
We see the nice old lady home to her hut. She is suffering from heavy asthma and it is very hard for her to walk even short distances.
We see the nice old lady home to her hut. She is suffering from heavy...
We find the small welps closely cuddled together and covered with some snow. Their mother does not understand that all help is too late for her three kids.
We find the small welps closely cuddled together and covered with some...
Our food packages are bulky and heavy, but we keep our good mood.
Our food packages are bulky and heavy, but we keep our good mood.
We somehow bring India to Romania - or at least their way of transporting heavy goods on their heads - a practical and even dignified way of transport.
We somehow bring India to Romania - or at least their way of transporting...
The sun is shining and is deceiting us about the extreme chilliness. We reach our goal exhausted but happy.
The sun is shining and is deceiting us about the extreme chilliness. We...
Everything which does not fit into the single room where this family is living, has to remain in front of the door. Also the baby carriage which is being used to bring water from the washing place which is about 50 meters away.
Everything which does not fit into the single room where this family is...
Every time we are friendly invited into all huts, rooms and little houses - even if the People are living in very poor conditions they are happy about our visit.
Every time we are friendly invited into all huts, rooms and little houses...
We are very much impressed by this strong young lady who just had a hard operation. This was only possible for her because of the health insurance of her grandmother.
We are very much impressed by this strong young lady who just had a hard...
Continously we are buying packages with basic foods in some supermarket.
Continously we are buying packages with basic foods in some supermarket.
Goods which are cheaper in the whole sale market are bought there.
Goods which are cheaper in the whole sale market are bought there.
Liam and Emma are looking for the most economical butter.
Liam and Emma are looking for the most economical butter.
Bruno and Emma putting the goods on the belt.
Bruno and Emma putting the goods on the belt.
During this shopping we notice a man who is comparing lowest prices at length. We talk to him and add his small purchase to our bill.
During this shopping we notice a man who is comparing lowest prices at...
He is so enthusiastic that he wants to get photographed with everyone of us.
He is so enthusiastic that he wants to get photographed with everyone of...
Right behind the counter our precious gifts are packed into banana boxes...
Right behind the counter our precious gifts are packed into banana boxes...
...and Bruno and Matthias put them into the cars.
...and Bruno and Matthias put them into the cars.
A children's home where 30 children who have once been street children are hosted is gifted with toys, shoes and blankets.
A children's home where 30 children who have once been street...
The joy is immense and the things are used and tested at once.
The joy is immense and the things are used and tested at once.
A boy proudly presents the new shoes he had selected.
A boy proudly presents the new shoes he had selected.
This schoolbag too is kindling great joy
This schoolbag too is kindling great joy
The bathing wrap finds a new owner and the second one is immediately used to to wrap up the teddy bear.
The bathing wrap finds a new owner and the second one is immediately used...
Every one of the three houses is the home of ten children. Later on the gifts are distributed fairly.
Every one of the three houses is the home of ten children. Later on the...
THANKS to all children at home who donated their things for the Romanian children.
THANKS to all children at home who donated their things for the Romanian...
In a Roma Community in Cluj Napoca 200 Family receive a sack with clothes, a bucket with potatoes and fire wood.
In a Roma Community in Cluj Napoca 200 Family receive a sack with clothes...
About 500 children are living here with their families under most difficult conditions.
About 500 children are living here with their families under most...
200 bags of clothes collected in Germany are moving from the truck into the small self built chapel.
200 bags of clothes collected in Germany are moving from the truck into...
In a line the heavy potatoe sacks are carried more easily.
In a line the heavy potatoe sacks are carried more easily.
Bruno and Emil are piling the sacks.
Bruno and Emil are piling the sacks.
Every last potatoe is rescued from the minibus before the driver departs.
Every last potatoe is rescued from the minibus before the driver departs.
Our new friend Cosmin - here talking with Alexandra - and his daughter Petra are translating everything we need for the organisation from Romanian into English.
Our new friend Cosmin - here talking with Alexandra - and his daughter...
The small church is fully occupied and the rest of the people have to remain outside. Before potatoes and clothing are distributed all are rejoicing and singing songs.
The small church is fully occupied and the rest of the people have to...
Then every family receivs one bucket with potatoes.
Then every family receivs one bucket with potatoes.
and a bag with clothes.
and a bag with clothes.
Also this family who is living from collecting garbage is receiving the precious gifts.
Also this family who is living from collecting garbage is receiving the...
All are happy and drag their bag home.
All are happy and drag their bag home.
We buy another mini bus full of fire wood and Matthias is distributing to the families. In the winter wood is here essential to survive.
We buy another mini bus full of fire wood and Matthias is distributing to...
The treasures are draggged to the nearby huts.
The treasures are draggged to the nearby huts.
Emil, our friend from Cluj is carrying wood to the home of an old lady who has difficulty to walk.
Emil, our friend from Cluj is carrying wood to the home of an old lady who...
THANKS to ALL who enabled this action!!!
THANKS to ALL who enabled this action!!!
In many families, in homeless shelters and on the street we are distributing the clothes we had gathered back home.
In many families, in homeless shelters and on the street we are...
Again and again the bus gets completely packed which had been provided to us by Matthias from the Joseph's foundation in Bamberg.
Again and again the bus gets completely packed which had been provided to...
With the pallet truck Matthias is driving the heavy boxes with presorted clothes to the bus
With the pallet truck Matthias is driving the heavy boxes with presorted...
Emma is piling the things in the bus using every last little Corner.
Emma is piling the things in the bus using every last little Corner.
Bruno  and Liam are rearanging the boxes in the store place.
Bruno and Liam are rearanging the boxes in the store place.
Even in the night the sorting goes on in the light of flashlights. Here are Erni, Michael, Margarete and Fenja. Alexandra taking Pictures.
Even in the night the sorting goes on in the light of flashlights. Here...
Fortunately we received many many covers which are urgently needed on Romania's roads and in the leaky huts.
Fortunately we received many many covers which are urgently needed on...
Here shoes are being sorted. Everywhere we go people are begging for boots and warm shoes.
Here shoes are being sorted. Everywhere we go people are begging for boots...
Also in the logistic hall in Cluj many volunteers are helping the pack the warm clothes into small portions.
Also in the logistic hall in Cluj many volunteers are helping the pack the...
Shoes are needed everywhere really urgently.
Shoes are needed everywhere really urgently.
Emil and sister Gabriela, our friends from the Caritas in Cluj Napoca also brought a small team of volunteers to help with the sorting.
Emil and sister Gabriela, our friends from the Caritas in Cluj Napoca also...
Hard working is going on. Here André and Matthias.
Hard working is going on. Here André and Matthias.
Together we are strong!
Together we are strong!
Bruno, Fenja and Matthias are knotting the bags before they are loaded into the small truck.
Bruno, Fenja and Matthias are knotting the bags before they are loaded...
Thousand Thanks to Mirabella and her team in Cluj and to Hartmut and his team in Bamberg! Without your support this helping action would not have been possible.
Thousand Thanks to Mirabella and her team in Cluj and to Hartmut and his...
20 very poor families are invited to the Caritas in Cluj Napoca in order to chose clothes. All are very moved and grateful.
20 very poor families are invited to the Caritas in Cluj Napoca in order...
Beforehand together with Emil, the social worker of the Caritas these families were visited at home and selected by their indigence.
Beforehand together with Emil, the social worker of the Caritas these...
We help to spread the things on the tables.
We help to spread the things on the tables.
Mihaela is also sorting...
Mihaela is also sorting...
This elderly lady first did not dare to step to the tables. We found this nice shawl and a pair of boots for her. She is thanking us again and again.
This elderly lady first did not dare to step to the tables. We found this...
Short discussion with Emil the Caritas social worker, as to the delight of all, the selected families will receive a big food package.
Short discussion with Emil the Caritas social worker, as to the delight of...
Matthias is helping the woman with the heavy load out to the street and we say goodby.
Matthias is helping the woman with the heavy load out to the street and we...
In Roma Communities we distribute caps, clothes and cookies
In Roma Communities we distribute caps, clothes and cookies
To organize the distribution in a orderly manner the children who already received their gifts pass through a gate in the courtyard.
To organize the distribution in a orderly manner the children who already...
The little boy is looking at Matthias with astonishment.
The little boy is looking at Matthias with astonishment.
The little girl is gratefully looking at us.
The little girl is gratefully looking at us.
The selfmade caps of our knitting friends always trigger joy. THANKS!!
The selfmade caps of our knitting friends always trigger joy. THANKS!!
The second team too is visiting many many single families with hard destinies.
The second team too is visiting many many single families with hard...
The huts they live in are mostly scantily cobbled together
The huts they live in are mostly scantily cobbled together
As a precaution we do not continue here to prevent to get stuck again.
As a precaution we do not continue here to prevent to get stuck again.
When we arrive the little boy is scrutinizing us.
When we arrive the little boy is scrutinizing us.
His Little sister receives a snow suit out of the donated clothes.
His Little sister receives a snow suit out of the donated clothes.
And Margarete quickly buys another baby carriage which the mother was wishing for. Liam and Micheal put it together.
And Margarete quickly buys another baby carriage which the mother was...
The joy is big.
The joy is big.
Together with the father of the family Michael fetches a sack of potatoes and a box with food from the bus.
Together with the father of the family Michael fetches a sack of potatoes...
While the mother is putting the donated gifts into the hut, Erni is caring for the Baby.
While the mother is putting the donated gifts into the hut, Erni is caring...
Meanwhile Margarete is looking for fitting shoes for the children.
Meanwhile Margarete is looking for fitting shoes for the children.
...and puts some grape sugar sweeties in the pocket of the Boy.
...and puts some grape sugar sweeties in the pocket of the Boy.
A little stuffed dog to be loved must not be missing.
A little stuffed dog to be loved must not be missing.
The little boy is so enthusiastic that he is often slipping and almost falls into the mud. Michael as a precaution takes him up on his arm what he even takes pleasure in.
The little boy is so enthusiastic that he is often slipping and almost...
In a tiny hut we find grandparents with their grandchild.
In a tiny hut we find grandparents with their grandchild.
The boy gets a small package with gifts and the family a big parcel with food.
The boy gets a small package with gifts and the family a big parcel with...
Enthusiastically he is unpacking the gifts and is fascinated by the new shoes which even are blinking.
Enthusiastically he is unpacking the gifts and is fascinated by the new...
His grandpa is all moved...
His grandpa is all moved...
Two girls who are living in poorest conditions with the parents are getting another parcel with gifts.
Two girls who are living in poorest conditions with the parents are...
They are living in this house in one small room without windows
They are living in this house in one small room without windows
The joy of both is undescribable. Their mama (between the girls) has to nourish the Family by gathering garbage as the father is sick. (In the Background are our two friends Anniko and Brigitta who pointed this family out to us.)
The joy of both is undescribable. Their mama (between the girls) has to...
While Michael is carrying a this woolen blanket and a big parcel with Food into the room....
While Michael is carrying a this woolen blanket and a big parcel with Food...
...Fenia is filming.
...Fenia is filming.
In their only tiny room of the family the father is showing his sick legs to Michael.
In their only tiny room of the family the father is showing his sick legs...
The caps of our knitting friends produce by magic smiles to the faces of the children.
The caps of our knitting friends produce by magic smiles to the faces of...
In an institution for homeless People inhabitants are extremely happy about the caps and fine jackets.
In an institution for homeless People inhabitants are extremely happy...
Everybody who is living here has a bed for the night however during the day he or she has to go out into the cold.
Everybody who is living here has a bed for the night however during the...
Erni helps with probing.
Erni helps with probing.
Our shoes are everywhere very much required. Unfortunately we do not have enough with us.
Our shoes are everywhere very much required. Unfortunately we do not have...
Thanks for the wonderful shawl...
Thanks for the wonderful shawl...
Even if sometimes a jacket is too big that does not matter in the least.
Even if sometimes a jacket is too big that does not matter in the least.
The bus is stuck fast. Fortunately Steve is there to help us...
The bus is stuck fast. Fortunately Steve is there to help us...
All forces put together and the bus is again ready to go.
All forces put together and the bus is again ready to go.
All are relieved and Michael is cleaning up the left Overs bevor we drive to Cluj Napoka which is three hours away.
All are relieved and Michael is cleaning up the left Overs bevor we drive...
Ups the bus is totally full. How can we get into it?
Ups the bus is totally full. How can we get into it?
Michael put the boxes on the front seat. Margarete and Erni step in and the boxes are put back again ;-)
Michael put the boxes on the front seat. Margarete and Erni step in and...
In the small self built church of a Roma Community we offer medical Support.
In the small self built church of a Roma Community we offer medical...
More and more patients are coming and tell about their ailments.
More and more patients are coming and tell about their ailments.
Margarete is assisting and sister Gabriela is translating from Romanian to English.
Margarete is assisting and sister Gabriela is translating from Romanian to...
A girl has got chicken pox.
A girl has got chicken pox.
After been treated the children can chose toy animal from the big box.
After been treated the children can chose toy animal from the big box.
The trousers of Josef are sticking to his leg. It must be torn. Below we see his open leg which he had bandaged with an old rag.
The trousers of Josef are sticking to his leg. It must be torn. Below we...
The wound gets desinfected...and freshly bandaged.
The wound gets desinfected...and freshly bandaged.
Josef is happy about his new trousers and the socks...
Josef is happy about his new trousers and the socks...
In their hut Michael is putting an infusion to the father of eight children.
In their hut Michael is putting an infusion to the father of eight...
Meanwhile Margarete and Erni are distributing shoes, clothes and caps to children who are extremely needy.
Meanwhile Margarete and Erni are distributing shoes, clothes and caps to...
THANKS to ALL you friends for joining us with your help!!!
THANKS to ALL you friends for joining us with your help!!!