

Continuation of direct help in the Gorkha area
Photos and Videos:
Jürgen and Alexandra
On May 10, the team departed in the early morning from Bamberg towards Nepal. The team consists of Jürgen, Susanne, Alois and Alexandra. Fenja will complete the team in Kathmandu. Here is a photo before their departure. Many thanks to Bruno, who drove the team by the bus of Tanja and Michael to the airport.
On May 10, the team departed in the early morning from Bamberg towards...
In a small shop Susanne and Fenja are choosing fabrics for the typical Nepalese clothes.
In a small shop Susanne and Fenja are choosing fabrics for the typical...
Mingmar, our Nepalese friend is a talent for organization and even gives recommendations on the length of the scarf.
Mingmar, our Nepalese friend is a talent for organization and even gives...
The friendly sales woman calculates the number of meters required and cuts the fabric.
The friendly sales woman calculates the number of meters required and cuts...
Then she takes us to the dressmaker's, where the measures are taken.
Then she takes us to the dressmaker's, where the measures are taken.
In the meantime, Alois has a look at the surroundings.
In the meantime, Alois has a look at the surroundings.
Day 2 - May 12, 2016 - Kathmandu, journey to and arrival in Jareber. A car breakdown gives us time to talk to the friendly fruit woman. She cuts a mango and passes the pieces on to us on small wooden sticks.
Day 2 - May 12, 2016 - Kathmandu, journey to and arrival in Jareber. A car...
Alois discovers a small forge. The men enthusiastically show us their craft. They are very happy when Alois buys two sickles.
Alois discovers a small forge. The men enthusiastically show us their...
After a 10-hour drive over bumpy roads we are exhausted and getting out of the car we are overwhelmed to see the waiting crowd.
After a 10-hour drive over bumpy roads we are exhausted and getting out of...
People look at us deeply moved.
People look at us deeply moved.
They cry, hug us, mark our forehead with red powder and give us flowers. Every look, every gesture shows their gratitude for the help after the earthquake in 2015.
They cry, hug us, mark our forehead with red powder and give us flowers....
The children as well greet us joyfully.
The children as well greet us joyfully.
With tears in their eyes the women clap their hands to their singing.
With tears in their eyes the women clap their hands to their singing.
We are overwhelmed.
We are overwhelmed.
The songs are accompanied by homemade music instruments.
The songs are accompanied by homemade music instruments.
We are pulled into the middle of the crowd to express the joy of the reunion by dancing.
We are pulled into the middle of the crowd to express the joy of the...
After the long hours of waiting, people appreciate the refreshing apples that we had bought from a poor market women along our way.
After the long hours of waiting, people appreciate the refreshing apples...
Each one gets an apple.
Each one gets an apple.
Soon we are surrounded by children gleefully chewing their apple.
Soon we are surrounded by children gleefully chewing their apple.
Ecstatic dance of the man with his apple.
Ecstatic dance of the man with his apple.
The women are completely absorbed in their singing and in the touching atmosphere.
The women are completely absorbed in their singing and in the touching...
Although children have never seen Alois, Fenja and Susanne up to now, they keep on clinging to us.
Although children have never seen Alois, Fenja and Susanne up to now, they...
The river Darodi that winds through the valley below our accommodation.
The river Darodi that winds through the valley below our accommodation.
Early in the morning we walk to Naya Shanghu where FriendCircle WorldHelp will construct a school.
Early in the morning we walk to Naya Shanghu where FriendCircle WorldHelp...
Many children in blue school uniforms accompany us the 3 kilometer road that leads to Naya Shanghu. We still do not know that they partly have do walk over an hour from their mountain villages down to the school.
Many children in blue school uniforms accompany us the 3 kilometer road...
On the square in front of the simple shelters the kids play before class.
On the square in front of the simple shelters the kids play before class.
Every morning all students line up in rank and file on the square and follow the instructions of a senior student; they stretch their arms, stomp their feet and sing.
Every morning all students line up in rank and file on the square and...
A classroom.
A classroom.
Crowded together, the students are sitting on the small metal benches and try to concentrate on the words of the teacher while we photograph them.
Crowded together, the students are sitting on the small metal benches and...
Together with all children we shout "I want a school" in Nepalese.
Together with all children we shout "I want a school" in...
Surrounded by many laughing children, Jürgen shows his photos.
Surrounded by many laughing children, Jürgen shows his photos.
In a recent Newsletter showing the distribution of food after the earthquake in 2015, our friend Narayan discovers his father.
In a recent Newsletter showing the distribution of food after the...
Alois' Tictac candies excite the village children.
Alois' Tictac candies excite the village children.
In the building authority office we hand over a pennant of the city of Bamberg as a greeting from the Mayor of Bamberg, Andreas Starke.
In the building authority office we hand over a pennant of the city of...
After the meeting we take a group picture on the roof of the building department.
After the meeting we take a group picture on the roof of the building...
Alexandra receives in return a pennant for the town hall in Bamberg.
Alexandra receives in return a pennant for the town hall in Bamberg.
Together with Narayan, Mingmar and the engineer we discuss the construction plans of the new school building.
Together with Narayan, Mingmar and the engineer we discuss the...
Fenja uses every free minute to document the many new impressions in long texts.
Fenja uses every free minute to document the many new impressions in long...
This man earns about one euro a day, by which he has to feed his little family. Happyily, he carries the 25-kilo sack of rice we bought for him.
This man earns about one euro a day, by which he has to feed his little...
The only gas pump of this gas station is broken. Approximately thirty motorcycles and their drivers are waiting for gasoline.
The only gas pump of this gas station is broken. Approximately thirty...
Jürgen, Alois and the hospitable man, who shows the men the safe places to bathe in the river and invites them for tea.
Jürgen, Alois and the hospitable man, who shows the men the safe places to...
Built with most simple means and highly creative, but without electricity this is the man's house standing next to the river. Alois donates a small solar cell battery.
Built with most simple means and highly creative, but without electricity...
Our accommodation for which we pay 1.36 € per person and night.
Our accommodation for which we pay 1.36 € per person and night.
When we drive to the city of Gorkha, we sit crowded in Jeep.
When we drive to the city of Gorkha, we sit crowded in Jeep.
Already after a short rain, the children for whom FriendCircle WorldHelp will build a school are sitting on their bensches with their feet in the mud.
Already after a short rain, the children for whom FriendCircle WorldHelp...
Preparatory works for the school are starting.
Preparatory works for the school are starting.
Jürgen, Alois and our Nepalese friends immediately pitch in.
Jürgen, Alois and our Nepalese friends immediately pitch in.
Also some children are helping enthusiastically.
Also some children are helping enthusiastically.
Afterwwards there is lemonade for all industrious helpers...
Afterwwards there is lemonade for all industrious helpers...
While the excavator continues to work we use the time to write reports and sort photos.
While the excavator continues to work we use the time to write reports and...
Some children are so curious that they never leave Jürgen's side.
Some children are so curious that they never leave Jürgen's side.
Towards evening we walk between rice fields up the hill to a source.
Towards evening we walk between rice fields up the hill to a source.
22 families in the village have not enough water and have to walk far to get to the precious liquid.
22 families in the village have not enough water and have to walk far to...
Im Rohrgeschäft… Alois beguchtachtet ein Muster bevor die richtige Qualität für die Wasserrohre ausgewählt und gekauft ist.
The very next day the tubes that we bought in the city and that are to bring the water from the source to a large concrete basin in the valley are delivered.
The very next day the tubes that we bought in the city and that are to...
The next morning the farmers start to dig the line with great zeal.
The next morning the farmers start to dig the line with great zeal.
We are fascinated by their diligence, but a man says, "This work is easy for us! Having no water, that was our problem!"
We are fascinated by their diligence, but a man says, "This work is...
We are glad and cheerful. We did not expect such a rapid succes!
We are glad and cheerful. We did not expect such a rapid succes!
After work is done.
After work is done.
THANKS to ALL at home!!!
THANKS to ALL at home!!!
The old man on the river performs capers as Alois and Jürgen give him the sickle ...
The old man on the river performs capers as Alois and Jürgen give him the...
A car break-down at night - not really pleasant.
A car break-down at night - not really pleasant.
Rarely we are so relaxed like here...
Rarely we are so relaxed like here...
An impression of the way to the school - hot and dusty.
An impression of the way to the school - hot and dusty.
Long discussions with teachers and parents about the school concept.
Long discussions with teachers and parents about the school concept.
Mingmar carefully fixing a plastic sheet on the window without glass so that it does not rain into the room and on the beds.
Mingmar carefully fixing a plastic sheet on the window without glass so...
In addition to fighting mosquitoes with countermeasures there are occasionally also palm sized spiders to be evacuated.
In addition to fighting mosquitoes with countermeasures there are...
While we are in Gorkha to have our devices recharged, Fenja has her leather shoe professionally repaired.
While we are in Gorkha to have our devices recharged, Fenja has her...
Jürgen - sitting on last year's debris.
Jürgen - sitting on last year's debris.