

Participation on the opening ceremony of the 22th Intercultural Weeks in Bamberg
Photos and Videos:
Event poster
Event poster
Shortly after seven in the morning - construction of the pavilion.
Shortly after seven in the morning - construction of the pavilion.
All component parts are bolted - but what actually goes where?
All component parts are bolted - but what actually goes where?

Many helping hands - quick completion ;-)
Many helping hands - quick completion ;-)
Hardly one and a half hours later everything is ready - just enough time left for a coffee
Hardly one and a half hours later everything is ready - just enough time...
Our info botth with Newsletters
Our info botth with Newsletters
Dolls made of sisal and fabric
Dolls made of sisal and fabric
Planing hull made of polystyrene
Planing hull made of polystyrene
Friendship bracelets
Friendship bracelets
A few airplane models :-)
A few airplane models :-)