
How we work

Project descriptions


When people do not have the economic basis for growing or buying food, hunger, diseases, the oppressive fear of the future and a sense of failure are the immediate consequences. Children are sent to beg in the city instead of being sent to school. An intergenerational cycle of poverty starts. To reduce the fear about the future and contribute to a health sustaining basis of livelihood FriendCircle WorldHelp distributes food in the villages of the poor and organizes soup kitchen for children and homeless in the cities. Meals with adequate nutrients improve the health and resilience of the people. Furthermore, the availability of food is often the precondition for parents to send their children to school again thereby enabling a new economic basis to develop.


Clean water

Several deep wells systems were already built in poor villages to provide drinking and service water for the daily needs of the people. Such systems can in many cases be realized without major organizational effort or bureaucracy within a short time and put into operation immediately. A rather complex project recently realized is the construction of a water system for four villages on the East Indian coast. FriendCircle WorldHelp has provided for the construction which uses the nearby river for the irrigation of the vitally important agriculture during the dry season and as drinking water supply alternative to the salty ground water. Such projects have a lasting effect against the rural exodus and the resulting emergence of vast slums in the big cities of poor countries.


Living conditions

Poor living conditions in leaky dwellings and the absence of toilets and sanitary facilities are responsible for the spread of diseases and high infant mortality rates and also contribute to psychological depressive moods of the inhabitants. To improve the living conditions and health care FriendCircle WorldHelp after thorough examination of the situation is financing such construction projects. For this, roofs, huts, simple houses and toilet facilities were repaired, renovated or entirely new built in several places.


Caps, blankets and clothes

Mainly in India there are still many people living with no permanent residence. They live in slums in emergency shelters or even on the street and under bridges. Alone in India, the number of street children is estimated at 18 millions. This dramatic situation can only temporarily be alleviated by the immediate supply of auxiliary aids. So, a hot meal, a cap, a blanket and the replacement of often completely worn, soiled clothes for the poorest of the poor is a big help.


Health care

In medical camps (temporary medical offices) medically trained staff of FriendCircle WorldHelp provides sick people medical treatment in the villages of the poor, using medicines, dressing materials and medical devices conforming to modern primary care standards, financed by donations.
Although medical care is in principle provided by the government, people in poor countries often cannot afford to travel to the nearest city and incur the associated loss of earnings. They also know about the clogged emergency rooms where they sometimes have to wait for several days without accommodation and food. Due to lack of knowledge, symptoms are frequently underestimated or ignored. Also, the confidence in the local medical system is rather low. 

Patients with eye diseases or other specific health problems with good prospects of improvement or healing are offered medical treatment by specialized physicians. Many of them gone blind by cataract of one or both eyes e.g. were already successfully operated with the support of FriendCircle WorldHelp.



FriendCircle WorldHelp supports children attending charity schools with teaching utensils and necessary clothes (school uniforms are mandatory in many countries) and organizes several tutoring projects for the integration of disadvantaged children.

Simple work (in India called "labor work") is paid with just 50 cents up to 1 euro per day. This is not enough for a father to feed his family, therefore, he hast o send his children to work or beg. This system continues through successive generations resulting in the development of poverty classes. This spiral of poverty and dependency can in the long run only be countered by education. To this end, children having missed lessons during several years need tutoring and the fear regarding the sustenance of the family has to be taken away from the parents.


Emergency and crisis situations

FriendCircle Worldhelp supports people around the world in crisis situations and natural disasters. After the storm surge „Haiyan* in the Philippines (in November 2013) Friend Worldhelp spontaneously and unbureaucratically provided new huts, food and financial resources, especially to those most hit by the disaster, i.e. widowed, destitute women and their young children .


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