Registered Nonprofit
Association for the Support
of Children and Needy
People Around the World
Lecture on trip to India
On February 2nd, a lecture about FriendCircle WorldHelp's journey was held in Bad Kreuznach in November 2016. In the run-up, Elisabeth, who herself had been on this trip in India, put up a lot of posters and spread the flyers that Peter had designed. Jürgen drove from his hometown Uissigheim two hours to Bad Kreuznach to report impressively with the latest photos. 30 interested persons listened to the experiences of Elisabeth and Jürgen.
In addition, several scarves, handmade lavender bags and delicious homemade jams were sold by Ulrike in favor of the projects.
THANKS to ALL hardworking friends for your help. The evening was a great success!!
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