
Markets in Mürsbach and Bamberg

Sales to the benefit of FriendCircle WorldHelp

A flea market and bazaar in Bamberg and Mürsbach yielded 472€ and 300€! This is a great result, and in addition to their work our friends had a lot of fun. Many thanks to Achim, Ingrid, Erni, Susanne, Claudia, Bernhard, Caye, Christina, Sven, Heidi, Gitti, Renate, Wendelin, Michael, Anna Maria and Katja.
And once more Maria brought a huge pizza for the team for lunch and took pictures.

Thank you very much for these actions in favor of the projects!



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Flea market in Bamberg. Selling donated items in favor of FriendCircle WorldHelp.
Market in Mürsbach. Sales in favor of FriendCircle WorldHelp.


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