Support of Needy People in India

Third Tour to India in 2022

After the trip in early September of Alexandra and Frank, Alexandra was in India again in October to continue to supervise the projects. At the beginning of December a third tour followed, this time with Michael and Alexandra. Together with Sunny we went again to the north to visit some stations before winter.

The focus was on poor neighborhoods, where this time mainly working-class families were given a hand, who have to get by on an extremely low daily wage. In a brickyard, for example, a worker earns between €2.50 and €3.00 per day. The wage for the production of a brick by hand is one rupee (= 1.2 cents). Furthermore, many schools where children are taught below the poverty line were visited.

There is often even basic necessities are lacking. such as blankets and warm clothing before winter. Basic food and healthy fruit for the children are also distributed along with other items.
Medicines for "first aid" are also in the luggage...

You can find some impressions in our telegram channel.


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The corn cobs are dried in the sun.
Distributing covers and fruit to the children.


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