Registered Nonprofit
Association for the Support
of Children and Needy
People Around the World
Support of people in need
Tue, April 3.2021 - 1:50 pm, written by Frank
++ Report of tour to North Macedonia - it goes on and on ... ++
Dear friends,
Recently, it had been rather quiet here on the homepage, but in the countries the project work continued non-stop. In 2020, despite the difficult circumstances, six trips were realized with our team on site in Moldova, Romania (2x), Kurdistan region (2x) and Kosovo. Thanks to our longtime friends on site, the work in Laos, Nepal, India and Brazil could continue with the support of FriendCircle WorldHelp...
Many of you have already subscribed to the Telegram channel, where we report up to date and partly quasi "live", like right now our team is doing from North Macedonia...
1. Report from Skopje, North Macedonia
After some research and thanks to contacts from work colleagues of Michael, our team was able to travel by plane to Skopje yesterday. There Alexandra, Jürgen, Andreas and Michael were already received by Orhan and friends. Together we went to the accommodation, and in the evening we discussed everything for the following days.
Our new friends had already spent the last few days thinking about everything and had prepared a lot so that the short time on site could be used as well and intensively as possible. Lists with lists of food, detergents, hygiene articles etc. were exchanged, and finally 100 packages were pre-ordered from a wholesaler...
The next day, the team is on the road early and shortly thereafter the first photos and impressions "trickle in" on Telegram.
UPDATE: Meanwhile, team returned home well.
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