

Dear friends of FriendCircle WorldHelp

WorldHelp, an initiative that was founded in 2009. In line with our motto “friends help friends”, we aim to recreate and revitalize values such as trust, love and respect in a variety of ways through our global activities.  Together, we have been able to carry out 87 missions in > ten years (as of 09/2024) in many countries around the world, providing practical help to children and people in need in particularly difficult circumstances. All friends work exclusively on a voluntary basis, i.e. no remuneration is paid. In addition, ALL travel and accommodation costs at home and abroad are paid privately, so that 100% of ALL donations ALWAYS reach the children and people in need. The administration of the association is deliberately run with as little effort as possible. We always report in detail on all trips with photos, texts and videos about our work so that our friends at home can see how the donations were spent. Printing costs (e.g. for newsletters), which illustrate our work with many examples, are covered exclusively by funds from company and sponsor friends. FriendCircle WorldHelp has been growing steadily for years and thanks to the great willingness and creativity of our many friends, many people in need, especially in crisis areas, will continue to receive help in the years to come. Thank you for your participation!

Your FriendCircle WorldHelp team


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