Registered Nonprofit
Association for the Support
of Children and Needy
People Around the World
Welcome to FriendCircle WorldHelp, an initiative that has emerged in 2009. According to our motto "friends help friends" we want to revive and reactive with our worldwide activities in many ways values such as trust, love and respect. Within eight years we have been able together to carry out 58 actions (as per July 2019) in many countries of the world, providing practical help to children and needy persons living in particularly difficult circumstances. All friends are working on a completely voluntary basis, i.e. they are not paid any remuneration. In addition, ALL travel and subsistence expenses at home and abroad are privately borne; this way 100% OF ALL donations are spent for the benefit of the children and needy. The management of the association is deliberately operating with as little expense as possible. We regularly report of all trips in detail with photos, texts and videos on our work, so that our friends back home are informed and can understand how the donations are spent. Printing costs (e.g., for newsletter), illustrating our work with many examples, are exclusively covered by funds from corporate sponsors and friends. Over the years, FriendCircle WorldHelp has been growing steadily, and thanks to the great helpfulness and creativity of our numerous friends many needy persons, especially in conflict areas, will be granted aid in the coming years. Thank you for participating!
Your team of FriendCircle WorldHelp