Registered Nonprofit
Association for the Support
of Children and Needy
People Around the World
What is important to us
"He who helps others helps himself."
"In special emergencies and crises, however triggered, from which people are suffering, those who are doing well at the time should provide help quickly and unbureaucratically to alleviate the suffering."
"No human should suffer from malnutrition and malnourishment and concomitant disease susceptibility."
"Everyone should have access to sufficient and clean water for drinking and food farming."
"Depending on their ambient conditions people need at least simple dwellings protecting them against precipitations, as well as hygienic facilities and warm clothing."
"General primary health care should nowadays be available to every person in the world."
"Every child should get schooling according to its individual culture, to learn at least basic math, reading, writing, basic language skills and moral values."
The foundation
Based on these philosophical guiding principles and supported by the deep belief that the basic elements of a peaceful and happy coexistence of all people on this earth are humanity and friendship, FriendCircle WorldHelp was founded in 2009.
FriendCircle WorldHelp was founded by Alexandra and Frank Schmitz, Dr. Michael Dykta and friends. In Germany, it is registered as a non-profit association. The founding members of FriendCircle Worldhelp perform ALL work for the children and needy persons on the spot. All activities related to the association are carried out voluntarily and without remuneration.
We support and help, regardless of political, religious or social backgrounds and goals.
How we implement it:
- 100% guarantee that all donated means are used on site
- Transparency of our activities by detailed text, photo and video documentation
- On-site analysis and project management exclusively through FriendCircle WorldHelp
What we support:
- Food, clean drinking water and necessary clothing
- Basic health care
- Education
- Flexible customized assistance in emergency and crisis situations
What we avoid:
- Waste of donations in administration and bureaucracy
- Enrichment of third party through corruption.