
Fotos & Videos:
Alexandra und Frank
With small mini-trucks, we travel to remote villages...
Mit kleinen Mini-Trucks geht es in abgelegene Dörfer…
There, basic foodstuffs such as flour and cooking oil are distributed. Also fruits, hygiene products and solar lamps
Dort werden Grundnahrungsmittel wie Mehl und Speiseöl verteilt. Außerdem...
Special attention is generally needed by the elderly. This woman had only boards as a couch, held together with tape.
Besondere Aufmerksamkeit brauchen generell die alten Menschen. Diese Frau...
She got a new couch (for the equivalent of €12).
Sie bekam eine neue Liege (für umgerechnet 12 €).
In all countries of the world, people have to live under the most difficult circumstances. Especially here we see fates that touch ... This old couple sat under the tarp that is their "house".
In allen Ländern der Welt müssen Menschen unter schwierigsten Umständen...
Desperately, the man rattled an empty bowl. When the couple was given twice the amount and some more money, the man wiped his tears...
Verzweifelt klapperte der Mann mit einer leeren Schüssel. Als dem Ehepaar...
When our team comes, the rush is always big ...
Wenn unser Team kommt, ist der Andrang stets groß…
In some situations, e.g. when additional sweets are distributed to the children, "chaos" occurs ...
In manchen Situationen, z.B. wenn zusätzlich Süßigkeiten an die Kinder...
The solar lamps were a special gift for many who have to live without electricity....
Die Solarlampen waren für viele, die ohne Strom leben müssen, ein...
Many remote village schools in mountainous regions were also visited. The children receive uniform school clothing from the Indian government once or twice a year. At home, however, some of the children live in the poorest conditions.
Auch viele abgelegene Dorfschulen in Bergregionen wurden besucht. Die...
The gifts brought, i.e. notebooks, pencils, fruits, water bottles, etc. are a reason to cheer and quite a few classes wait for a long time when we are late due to bad road conditions....
Die mitgebrachten Geschenke: Hefte, Stifte, Früchte, Trinkflaschen etc....
Here everything is fixed ...
Hier wird alles repariert...
A rice field, about 4 weeks before harvest.
Ein Reisfeld, ca. 4 Wochen vor der Ernte.
Many thanks to ALL OF YOU!
Vielen Dank EUCH ALLEN...