

Unterricht und Sachspenden
Fotos & Videos:
Alexandra, Tanja, Michael
First lesson on Aug. 21 for some young people in the building of AWO in Bamberg. Tanja gives the first German lesson.
Erste Unterrichtseinheit am 21.08. für einige Jugendliche im Gebäude der...
Wendelin and Christiane bringing the first three donated bikes from Breitbrunn to the AWO in Bamberg.
Wendelin und Christiane bringen die ersten drei Fahrräder von Spendern aus...
The bikes are handed over to the happy youngsters.
Übergabe der Fahrräder an die begeisterten Jugendlichen.
Wendelin quickly adding a guard plate.
Wendelin montiert noch schnell ein Schutzblech ;-)
Sept. 10 - further bikes are delivered. The trailer is opened with the youngsters watching curiously.
10.09.2015 - Eine weitere Anlieferung von Fahrrädern. Unter neugierigen...
The youngsters are also helping..
Die Jungs packen an...
Together the donations get unloaded.
Gemeinsam wird ausgeladen.
Many thanks to all donors!
Vielen vielen Dank an alle Spender!!
Activities in Nordhalebn, care of refugees by
Hans and Maria: Maria having Mustafa on her lap.
Slowly the Little one is warming up after those
difficult experiences during the flight.
Aktivitäten in Nordhalebn, Betreuung von Flüchtlingen durch Hans und Maria...
Michael is helping with moving to the first flor.
The father of the Family is bound to the wheelchair.
Michael hilft beim Umzug ins Erdgeschoss. Der Vater der Familie ist auf...
Emina with her son Assad.
Emina mit ihrem Sohn Assad.
Family Batal is also living in Nordhalben for about
one month. The five members of the Family are
very happy about the books about medicine. In
Syria the 20 year old son had been studying medicine
for one year before a bomb exploded near the house
of the family which was destroyed by the blast. 
Since then the mother is traumatized as she was at home
at home during the Explosion.
Auch Familie Batal wohnt seit etwa einem Monat in Nordhalben. Die...