

Fortsetzung der Projekte in Nord- und Ostindien
Fotos & Videos:
Negi, Manju, Alexandra & Team
Purchasing items in Delhi for the Free Medical Hospital
Einkaufen in Delhi für das Free Medical Hospital
The second part of the tour takes Tobias, Jürgen, Benno and Alexandra to Bihar, a state in eastern India. While working in several leprosy villages, the team also faces other difficult fates. The straw huts of two families were completely burned the night before our friends heard about it the next morning. Aimlessly, the children are searching in the debris for things which are still usable...
Der zweite Teil der Tour führt Tobias, Jürgen, Benno und Alexandra nach...
The clothes of the two families.
Die Kleider der beiden Familien…
Purchasing kitchen utensils. The mothers of the families are in shock. It would take a long time to rebuild the huts with their own resources.
Beim Einkauf von Küchengegenständen. Die Mütter der Familien stehen unter...
After all the shopping has been done, the neighbors have already helped to clear the place of the fire remnants and rubbish.
Nachdem alle Einkäufe erledigt sind, haben die Nachbarn bereits geholfen,...
Reconstruction can begin. Here the iron bars are already being fixed, on which the corrugated iron roofs will lie and the straw walls will be fixed.
Der Wiederaufbau kann beginnen. Hier werden schon die Eisenstangen...
The new roof plates for the corrugated iron roofs from friends help friends have already been delivered.
Die neuen Dachplatten für die Wellblechdächer von friends help friends...
Distribution of shoes to schoolchildren below the poverty line in Northern India
Verteilung von Schuhen an Schulkinder unterhalb der Armutsgrenze in...
Toilet house in the hinterland of Motihari, Bihar, built by FriendCircle WorldHelp.
Toilettenhäuschen im Hinterland von Motihari, Bihar, gebaut vom...
Discussing the repair of leaking roof slabs...
Besprechung der Reparatur von undichten Dachplatten...
Cuddly toys from colleagues from Benno's Bike Café in Baunach are waiting to be distributed to the children...
Kuscheltiere von Kolleg/innen aus Bennos Bike-Cafe in Baunach warten auf...
A woman's broken radio is being repaired. She is very happy that friends help friends pays the costs (60 Cents).
Das kaputte Radio einer Frau wird repariert. Sie freut sich riesig, dass...
Beautiful warm caps from our knitting ladies ...
Wunderschön warme Mützen unserer Strickfreundinnen…
Many patients of the 'Medical Camp' and a subsequent stay in the hospital have returned home and feel better.
Viele Patienten sind mittlerweile nach dem "Medical Hospital“ und dem...
Little things being great ... THANKS
Die kleinen Dinge sind groß… DANKE