Disaster relief in Germany

Emergency aid in Offingen in June 2024

At the end of May and beginning of June, many parts of southern Germany experienced flooding due to persistent heavy rainfall. In some areas, the situation then escalated at the beginning of June, for example in the district of Günzburg. The accumulating masses of water brought new flood peaks in some areas and an emergency state had to be declared. In the market town of Offingen, the level of the small Mindel river exceeded by far all previous highs due to the simultaneous flooding of the Danube. Some of the houses in the village close to the river were flooded up to the first floor.
Within minutes, cellars were flooded, cars and many other things were swept away by the raging floodwaters. Two people died, one of them a young firefighter on duty...
In mid-June, people are still in shock. As part of the support from other regions of Bavaria, members of the "friends" were able to help with the initial clean-up work. After returning home, Johann and Tobias described their experiences, which prompted Claudia and Bernhard to travel to Offingen on behalf of FriendCircle WorldHelp e.V..

Claudia and Bernhard report on their visit to the disaster area in the administrative district of Swabia, Bavaria:

"Some have been hit particularly hard because they live e.g. in rented accommodation and their income is just sufficient under normal circumstances, they have no insurance, are single parents, care for relatives and are single or similar. Many individuals are now facing the future with new worries. After a meeting with the mayor, the people affected were visited on site for two days and were given immediate, unbureaucratic support.

On arrival, the smell of the leaking oil tanks was still in the air in the streets. We took a lot of time to listen to the people. The damage is manifold and of gigantic proportions. Some houses are uninhabitable, in some "only the cellar was flooded". But everything that came into contact with the flood is unusable due to the water, oil and mud mixture and spreads an unpleasant smell. Cars were washed away, others were destroyed by the flood and are standing deregistered at the side of the road. Garbage containers were swept away. One man said that old clothes containers were stuck in trees. For days there was no electricity and only cold water, which still has to be boiled. Toilets no longer flushed. All food supplies stored in the cellar or basement were destroyed. Important family memories and documents were lost

A woman pointed to a large, sturdy wooden box with a lid that was now lying on the side of the road on her pile of bulky waste. This was the only thing her grandmother and her mother had saved as their belongings when they fled after the war. She felt very sad as she talked about it.

The complete clearing out of the cellar or apartment is a difficult and emotional feat for those affected. Beloved objects, photos and supplies have to be disposed of. Documents, photos, etc. that have been saved have to be dried. Work is going on everywhere. Construction dryers are being used in large numbers to get the houses dry again quickly. Plaster is being knocked off in many places and houses are being completely gutted. Quick action is needed to limit the damage. Some houses even have to be demolished.

Wildlife has also been badly affected. One child says that her cat had to be put to sleep by the vet.

The people were very grateful for the help and expressed it with great joy. The conversations and the profound encounters will have a lasting effect..."

Source photo homepage: Offingen municipality





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Quelle Foto: Gemeinde Offingen
Quelle Foto: Gemeinde Offingen
Quelle Foto: Gemeinde Offingen
Quelle Foto: Gemeinde Offingen


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