

Direkthilfe vor Ort in Dörfern mit Einkäufen und Reparaturmaterial für Häuschen
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The fervent wish of a family with grandparents is a small bathroom. Only since this year the old house is connected to running water and to the sewerage system. For many years the family has cherished this dream. The father works in a small coffee factory. His salary does not allow any savings.
Der innige Wunsch einer Familie mit Großeltern ist ein kleines Badezimmer...
They were given a bathtub from a garbage dump - a start. The material to build the bathroom including a boiler, heated with wood, costs 800€. When the father of the house is given the money, he looks at us - with teary eyes...
Von einer Mülldeponie wurde ihnen eine Badewanne geschenkt- ein Anfang....
The kitchen of an old lady.
Die Küche einer alten Dame.
Together with Silvia we drive to her daughter. On her return she waves happily goodbye to us ...
Mit Frau Silvia fahren wir gemeinsam zu ihrer Tochter. Glücklich winkt sie...
In most of the homes we visit, the roof is leaking or it is mouldy inside.
Bei den allermeisten Behausungen, die wir besuchen, ist das Dach undicht...
Walls are swelling up due to moisture and ceilings are sinking.
Mauern quellen aufgrund von Feuchtigkeit auf und Decken senken sich.
Several "huts" are therefore supported with stones, sand or roof slabs.
Bei mehreren „Hütten“ wird daher mit Steinen, Sand oder Dachplatten...
Due to cold, humidity and often inadquate hygienic conditions, many people develop diseases.
Aufgrund von Kälte, Feuchtigkeit und oft unvermeidbaren unhygienischen...
We purchase big amounts of food.
Wir kaufen große Mengen an Lebensmitteln ein.
In recent months, many families have had to run into debt. They were allowed to buy on credit from this friendly greengrocer, for example: All debts that have accumulated are paid off. Altogether about 300€ for three families.
In den letzten Monaten mussten viele Familien Schulden machen. Zum...
This is Adrian, our driver, who accompanies us these three days.
Adrian, unser Fahrer der uns die drei Tage begleitet.
This grandmother is hard of hearing and lives alone.
Diese Großmutter ist schwerhörig und lebt alleine.
The kitchen
Die Küche.
This man is 61 years old. He has no one either. His wife died five years ago. Both are given money for medicine and to be able to take the bus into town to see a doctor.
Dieser Mann ist 61 Jahre alt. Er hat ebenfalls niemanden, seine Frau ist...