

Fotos & Videos:
In the Atlantic Rainforest in the state of Bahia, place: Nilo Peçanha, Bianca and Cabolinha built, among other things, a small company for Manioc farmers in the rainforest. Since then, the farmers can keep their harvest themselves and sell it on the market. The roads to the Manjoka farm are difficult to drive on, especially in the rainy season...
Im Atlantischen Regenwald im Staat Bahia, Ort: Nilo Peçanha bauten Bianca...
Tina inspects the natural septic tank made of banana plants...
Tina inspiziert die natürliche Klärgrube aus Bananenstauden…
Here Benno teaches the children of the farmers who regularly visit the "Capoeira- Project" of Cebolinha and Bianca...
Hier unterrichtet Benno die Kinder der Farmer, welche das „Capoeira-...
In addition, some necessary things are bought... (right in the photo: Cebolinha)
Zudem werden noch einige notwendige Dinge eingekauft… (rechts im Foto:...
The building and the necessary machines for the "Casa de Farinha" were financed by friends help friends. Here the roasting machine.
Das Gebäude und die notwenigen Maschinen für die „Casa de Farinha“ wurden...
In the production of the staple food manioc, the farmers are very eagerly working...
Bei der Produktion des Grundnahrungsmittels Manjoka sind die Farmer mit...
Here the manioc roots are prepared, (on the left in the picture: Bianca)...
Hier bei der Vorbereitung der Manjoka-Wurzeln, (links im Bild: Bianca)…
...and behind the house cooking is done for all...
…und hinter dem Haus wird für alle gekocht…
Jardim Gramacho was the location to one of the largest landfills in the world, which was closed in June 2012 after 34 years of operation.
In Jardim Gramacho befand sich eine der größten Mülldeponien der Welt,...
Benno and Tina touch the hearts of many ...
Benno und Tina berühren die Herzen vieler…
Tina in conversation
Tina im gespräch.
Jose is a priest in Jardim Gramacho.
He cares lovingly for many people here,
He gives even his very small earnings to those in need.
Jose ist Priester in Jardim Gramacho. Er kümmert sich liebevoll um viele...
Very needy families will receive monthly much needed food in the future.
Monatlich werden sehr bedürftige Familien in Zukunft dringend benötigte...
Until now, many ate partly poisoned "food", such as food leftovers from the garbage dumps or crabs from toxic waters as this man shows in the following picture...
Bisher aßen viele teils vergiftete „Lebensmittel“, wie z.B. Essensreste...
To share intense days together with the people means to acknowledge their culture, to share things with them, to play, to laugh and to cry....
Mit den Menschen zusammen intensive Tage zu erleben bedeutet ihre Kultur...
Many are relieved after the visit of Benno and Tina, because without "leaving something there" the two do not leave...
Viele sind nach dem Besuch von Benno und Tina erleichtert, denn ohne „...
Edison had to undergo hip surgery over 10 years ago, which resulted in another "medical injury." Since then, Edison has been confined to bed.
Edison musste sich vor über 10 Jahren einer Hüftoperation unterziehen,...
Many wished that he should receive a wheelchair as a gift someday. This dream has now come true....
Viele wünschten sich für ihn, dass er irgendwann einen Rollstuhl geschenkt...