
Fotos & Videos:
Michael, Andreas
The team before the departure in Munich. Abdu is missing- he had already traveled ahead.
Das Team vor dem Abflug in Müchen. Es fehlt Abdu, welcher bereits voraus...
In Diyarbakir, on the way to Adyaman.
In Diyarbakir, auf dem Weg nach Adyaman.
Mohammed Zeyd (10) and Musa (7) collect recyclable trash in the streets of Diyarbakir. Unfortunately, their father has passed away and their mother is sick and cannot work.
Mohammed Zeyd (10) und Musa (7) sammeln verwertbaren Müll in den Straßen...
Ismail, the mayor of the village tells that at the beginning of the ninety-second quake he was catapulted in his sleep with his head almost to the ceiling of the room.
Ismail, der Bürgermeister des Dorfes erzählt, dass er zu Beginn des...
On the way to Adiyman with food and hygiene items
Mit Nahrungsmitteln und Hygieneartikeln unterwegs nach Adiyman.
Ilhan's house is completely destroyed. His severely disabled son is receiving emergency care in Antalya for two weeks. Ilhan's tears and sprawling joy after receiving help from our team show his need. He is left with two tin huts and an emergency tent.
Ilhans Haus ist komplett zerstört. Sein schwer behinderter Sohn wird in...
Abdu (a friend from Germany who had already traveled ahead) and Andreas distribute the packages they brought with them with much needed products.
Abdu (ein Freund aus Deutschland, der bereits voraus gereist war) und...
Relief supplies are brought to the people made homeless by the earthquake until late at night.
Bis in die Nacht werden den, durch das Erdbeben obdachlos gewordenen...
In addition to damage to their homes, the already poor villagers have now lost the opportunity to sell their goods.
Die ohnehin ärmliche Dorfbevölkerung hat neben Schäden an ihren Häusern...
Kalender sleeps in a decommissioned old bus because his house is no longer stable....
Kalender schläft in einem stillgelegten alten Bus, weil sein Haus nicht...