

Fotos & Videos:
Benno und Thomas
The team - Benno, Adrian and Thomas.
Das Team - Benno, Adrian und Thomas
Maria whose daughter died two weeks ago, is now living all alone.
Maria, ihre Tochter ist vor zwei Wochen verstorben, lebt nun ganz alleine.
She gets a small stock of wood for the next winter.
Sie bekommt einen Holzvorrat für den nächsten Winter.
These two boys live alone in the house with their older brother's girlfriend. Until two weeks ago, the youngest was still looking after his mother. After her death, his older brother is now back in the house so that he doesn't have to go to an orphanage...
Diese beiden Jungs leben mit der Freundin ihres großen Bruders alleine in...
Ramesh's sledge
Der Schlitten von Raresch.
This is the boys' grandmother. She received support for medication and food.
Das ist die Großmutter der Jungen. Sie bekam eine Unterstützung für...
and this is her house.
Und ihr Haus.
he cuddly toys brought along always bring a smile to the little ones' faces.
Die mitgebrachten Kuscheltiere zaubern den Kleinen immer wieder ein...
Anna, who has cared for her daughter since birth, also receives money for a wheelchair ramp.
Auch Anna, die von Geburt an ihre Tochter pflegt, beommt das Geld für eine...
Someone seems to spend the night here from time to time.
Auch hier scheint hin und wieder jemand zu übernachten.
Lena is suffering from cancer. She already has to spend half of her small pension on medical treatment. She received money for firewood so that she can heat her little house.
Lena hat Krebs. Die Hälfte ihrer kleinen rente braucht sie schon für die...
Adrian talking to the children of a family that has received support.
Adrian im Gespräch mit den Kindern einer Familie, welche Unterstützung...
Agneta cares for her husband and her granddaughter. Her daughter died two weeks ago. Her greatest wish is a washing machine, which is fulfilled.
Agneta pflegt ihren Mann und ihre Groß-Ekelin. Ihre Tochter ist vor zwei...
Agneta's husband
Agnetas Ehemann.
Susanna had her left leg amputated two years ago. She received the money for a wheelchair ramp
Susanna bekam vor zwei Jahren ihr linkes Bein amputiert. Sie bekam das...
A family lost their house in a fire last Christmas. Since then, the four of them have been living in a 9 square meter shed. Their handyman father is building a new house next door. They received a grant for the floor.
Eine Familie hat vergangenes Weihnachten ihr Haus durch einen Brand...
arcel had a serious car accident and could no longer walk. He carefully walks three sensational, wobbly steps for us during our visit and then proudly strikes a Superman pose. He gets the funding for his next operation...
Marcel hatte einen schweren Autounfall und konnte nicht mehr laufen. Er...