

Fotos & Videos:
Benno & Tina
The reunion with Adriana, Fhilipe, Josi and all our friends is very heartfelt and we are looking forward to the next few days.
Das Wiedersehen mit Adriana, Fhilipe, Josi und allen Freunden ist sehr...
This morning we first went to Jose's church. He has now bought a small plot of land opposite where he offers something for children three times a week: Tutoring, medical help, music ...
Heute früh ging es zuerst zur Kirche von Jose. Gegenüber hat er inzwischen...
A very warm welcome from Jose and his “team”.
Eine sehr herzliche Begrüßung durch Jose und seine "Mannschaft".
Cuddly toys and tennis balls with smiley faces are distributed to the children.
Es werden mitgebrachte Kuscheltiere und Tennisbälle mit Smiley an die...
hen we went to the Gramacho favela. Unfortunately, criminality has increased since our last visit, which is why it was not safe to enter.
Danach ging es in die Gramacho Favela. Leider hat die Kriminalität seit...
The first to be visited again is Edison, who was given a wheelchair two years ago. He is doing a little better, but unfortunately, he still has to wait for an operation. He receives financial support to renovate his bathroom to make it suitable for the disabled.
Als erstes wird wieder Edison besucht, der vor zwei Jahren einen Rollstuhl...
Roadside observations - everything here is recycled several times and reused if possible.
Beobachtungen am Straßenrand - hier wird alles mehrfach verwertet und wenn...
Right next to Jose's house, he collects and separates garbage with seven helpers.
Direkt neben dem Haus von Jose sammelt er mit sieben Helfern Müll und...
As the children also need to be supervised, they simply swing between the bin bags.
Da die Kinder ja auch beaufsichtigt werden müssen, schaukeln sie einfach...
Jose with his eldest son Miguel, who now supports him. Unfortunately, his wife can no longer help due to her illness.
Jose mit seinem ältesten Sohn Miguel, der ihn nun unterstützt. Aufgrund...
Leidi is 75 years old and lives in an old makeshift hut. She is always in pain because she cannot afford the necessary medication for a whole month until the next pension payment arrives. Jose supports her with food. She receives financial support.
Leidi ist 75 Jahre alt und wohnt in einer alten provisorischen Hütte. Sie...
Although it is very warm at the moment, the caps we brought along are very well received by the children.
Obwohl es aktull sehr warm ist, kommen die mitgebrachten Mützen bei den...
This is what the roads look like in the poorest part of the favela.
So schauen die Wege im ärmsten Teil der Favela aus.
Luis' wheelchair - his greatest wish is a prosthesis, as he can't use a wheelchair on these roads. Benno & Tina fulfill his wish and give him the necessary money directly on site.
Der Rollstuhl von Luis.Sein größter Wunsch ist eine Prothese, da er bei...
A self-made garbage collection trolley.
Ein selbstgebastelter Müllsammelwagen.
Thereshina is 80 years old and, in her own words, does not live alone. She has a dog, a cat and the good Lord living with her.
Thereshina ist 80 Jahre alt und lebt nach eigenen Worten nicht alleine....
Food parcels are purchased and prepared for distribution.
Es werden Essenspakete gekauft und zur Verteilung vorbereitet.
Jose will distribute these to 52 families next Sunday. He was given three more tables for his church and the project room.
Jose wird diese am nächsten Sonntag an 52 Familien verteilen. Für seine...
n the evening, there is a private invitation to dinner. It was a very warm and fun evening.
Abends gibt es eine private Einladung zum Essen. Es wurde ein sehr...
This is the oldest woman in the Gramacho favela. Nobody knows exactly how old she is, probably over 100. Just like two years ago, she received again a food parcel.
Dies ist die älteste Frau in der Gramacho Favela. Keiner weiß genau wie...
This morning, we went with Adriana and Josy to the ASIP Brazil project. In a friend's garage and terrace, they cook 100 meals a week for a nearby favela and then distribute them..
Heute früh ging es mit Adriana und Josy zum Projekt ASIP Brazil. In der...
Ready for distribution.
Bereit zur Austeilung.
Many children also come to the distribution.
Auch viele Kinder kommen zur Verteilung.
Carla worked as a teacher and had an accident at the age of 31. She has been paraplegic ever since and is fighting her way back to life with physiotherapy. Her husband and children care for her and receive financial support for the physiotherapy. Despite her situation, she has a smile on her face almost all the time during the visit ...
Carla arbeitete als Lehrerin und hatte mit 31 Jahren einen Unfall. Seitdem...
That's also part of it. Searching for the hotel in the middle of the night after the address details were misleading ...
Auch das gehört dazu. Suche nach dem Hotel mitten in der Nacht nachdem die...
The smiley balls were again well received.
Die Smiley Bälle kamen wieder gut an!
A year ago, FriendCircle WorldHelp had a well drilled here. Now a pipeline is to be laid to improve water distribution.
Vor einem Jahr hat der FriendCircle WorldHelp hier einen Brunnen bohren...
Further impressions ;-)
Weitere Eindrücke :-)
A crutch was stolen from this man. He was delighted when he was presented with a new one...
Diesem Mann wurde eine Krücke gestohlen. Die Freude war groß als er eine...
A waste collector. She also receives a basic care package.
Eine Müllsammlerin. Auch sie bekommt ein Paket zur Grundversorgung.