

Direkthilfe nach dem Erdbeben in den Regionen um Gorkha und Charikot
Fotos & Videos:
Alexandra, Florian und Jürgen
Map of the border area between northern India (federal state of Bihar) and Nepal.
Karte des Grenzgebietes zwischen Nordindien (Bundesstaat Bihar) und Nepal.
Collection point for sleeping bags and lightweight tents at Roland's Alpinladen on Thursday, May 8. A huge amount of donations -  thank you very much. On Friday everything will get packed. At the moment we are applying for a further increase of the free baggage allowance ...
Sammelstelle für Schlafsäcke und leichte Zelte bei Rolands Alpinladen am...
Frank preparing the travel documents for the team.
Frank bereitet die Reisedokumente für das Team vor.
Booking flights, applying for visa, etc.
Flugbuchungen, Visa usw.
Collection point of donated material at Roland's
Der Sammelplatz bei Roland am Freitag.
Felix and Roland
Felix und Roland
Always more donations are brought and immediately sorted with expert knowledge...
Immer wieder werden Sachspenden vorbeigebracht und sofort fachmännisch...
Everything sorted: sleeping bags, tents, blankets, clothes, etc.
Alles sortiert, Schlafsäcke, Zelte, Decken, Kleidung usw.
Packing underway, Roland, Felix and Frank in action
Die Verpackungsaktion läuft, Roland, Felix und Frank in Aktion
Many thanks to Roland and his team for pre-sorting the goods.
Vielen Dank an Roland und sein Team für das Vorsortieren.
Sorting of tents on weight, size, etc.
Auswahl der Zelte nach Gewicht, Größe usw.
Luggage ready packed in large transport bags for tomorrow morning
Das Gepäck für Morgen früh, reisefertig verpackt in großen Transportsäcken.
Loading of remaining donations for storage
Verladen der übrigen Sachspenden für die Einlagerung
Transfer of remaining donations to interim storage
Transfer der übrigen Sachspenden ins das Zwischenlager.
Gregor spontaneoulsy lending a hand with transport
Gregor hilft uns spontan beim Transport
Many thanks to Dieter who let us use the house as storage room
Vielen Dank an Dieter, dass wir das Haus als Lager nutzen dürfen.
Maria receives the donations from Tanja for transfer to the donation account. Many thanks!
Maria nimmt die abgegebenen Spenden von Tanja in Empfang und wird diese...
Saturday, May 9, Nuremberg airport
Samstag 09. Mai, Nürnberg Flughafen.
Check-in; we occupy a check-in counter and the long weighing and weight optimization starts
Check-in, wir blockieren einen Schalter und die große Wiege- und...
Florian, Alexandra and Jürgen in Nuremberg shortly before check-in.
Florian, Alexandra und Jürgen in Nürnberg kurz vor dem Check-in.
At the destination airport of Patna the baggage is loaded from the bag drop on pull cars
Am Zielflughafen in Patna wird das Gepäck an der Gepäckannahme auf...
Florian and Jürgen on the loading space of the mini trucks on the way from Patna to Raxaul after the Jeep has failed due to a technical defect in the electronics.
Florian und Jürgen auf der Ladefläche des Minitrucks auf dem Weg von Patna...
Florian, Jürgen and our Indian friend Ramavarai on the loading space of the open mini truck.
Florian, Jürgen un unser indischer Freund Ramavarai auf der Ladefläche des...
The mood is good, with blankets and the lots of luggage it is more comfortable than before in the on the unsurfaced roads...
Die Stimmung ist gut, mit Decken und dem vielen Gepäck ist es bequemer als...
The weather is still fine. Shortly thereafter wind comes, blowing sand and dust onto the loading space. Then it starts raining ...
Noch ist das Wetter gut. Kurze Zeit später kommt Wind auf der Sand und...
After the friends have found shelter against the storm and the rain they are  chatting with the Indian men also waiting for the train. In the middle is Sanju Devi, volunteer teacher in a leper colony in the state of Bihar in India. She wants to support the relief operation in Nepal.
Nachdem die Freunde sich vor dem Gewitter mit Regen in Sicherheit gebracht...
Jürgen and Florian  charging their cell phones in the waiting hall of the railway station between Patna and Rauxal. With the Indian SIM card they bought  they can keep in contact with their families and friends in Germany by  WhatsApp.
Jürgen und Florian beim Aufladen ihrer Telefone in der Wartehalle des...
After a while, the train to Raxaul finally arrives. The friends cross the tracks with their luggage and board the train.
Nach einer Weile kommt endlich der Zug nach Raxaul. Die Freunde überqueren...
Florian, Ramavarai and Venu in the train.
Florian, Ramavarai und Venu im Zug
Sanju and Ramavarai getting tired.
Sanju und Ramavarai, die Müdigkeit macht sich jetzt breit.
Two Indians make themselves comfortable on the platform under a blanket and a plastic tarp,  waiting for their train. Note the imprint "Wellness" on the plastic tarp;-)
zwei Inder machen es sich auf dem Bahnsteig unter einer Decke und auf...
Jürgen and Florian examining the Indian breakfast and enjoying it after the rigors of the last journey. They get parantha (pancakes stuffed with vegetables and potatoes), hot  beans and yogurt to make it milder.
Jürgen und Florian begutachten das indische Frühstück und sind sichtlich...
Jürgen talking to Frank in the back office via Skype and providing preliminary information for the first trip report for the friends at home who want to follow the journey.
Jürgen telefoniert mit Frank im Backoffice über Skype und gibt...
Map of the current location, near the Indian border with Nepal.
Kartenausschnitt zum aktuellen Aufenthaltsort, direkt an der indischen...
Florian and Jürgen trying the box cooker, and the head lamps. In Nepal, these things will be very useful.
Florian und Jürgen beim Ausprobieren des Feldkochers und der Kopflampen....
Alexandra, Florian and Jürgen with the family of the dealer (left) in his house. Although they know each other only since yesterday, a friendly relationship has developed through the joint project.
Alexandra, Florian und Jürgen mit der Familie des Händlers (ganz links) in...
View from the town center on the road from Motihari. This picture was taken shortly before the aftershock.
Ein Blick von der Wechselstube auf die Straße von Motihari. Dieses Bild...
Florian and Alexandra in front of the Immigration Office at the border from India to Nepal
Florian und Alexandra vor dem Einwanderungsbüro an der Grenze von Indien...
Our friend Sanju (rear right) selecting kitchen utensils for the base camp. She will organize the catering and cook for the team during the relief transport.l
Unsere Freundin Sanju (hinten rechts) beim Aussuchen der Küchenutensilien...
The trucks loaded with 10 kg bags of rice and flour.
Die LkWs für den Hilfstransport wurden mit Reis und Mehl in 10 kg-Säcken...
For the first transport a total of 30 tons of rice and flour was loaded on the trucks.
Für den ersten Transport werden insgesamt 30 Tonnen Reis und Mehl auf die...
Lunch and meeting with our friend Ramavarai (center) at his home. He lives with his family in a leper colony in Raxaul and has already repeatedly helped us in previous projects in the state of Bihar in India. Our numerous contacts in India are very helpful for the current journey. From all over India we get calls from our Indian friends and they would like to be with us in Nepal.
Mittagessen und Besprechung bei unserem Freund Ramavarai (Mitte) in seinem...
The freshly printed banners by which we want to identify our base camp and the distribution points as well as the medical camps.
Die frisch gedruckten Banner mit denen wir unser Basiscamp und die...
Our friend Gaurav, son of the grocer has organized the loading of the trucks for us.
Unser Freund Gaurav, der Sohn des Lebensmittelhändlers hat für uns das...
Jürgen and Florian after crossing the border in front of the "Gateway to Nepal", 05/14/2015.
Jürgen und Florian nach dem Grenzübertritt vor dem "Tor nach Nepal...
Today, May 15, the team with the convoy reached the target area, the Gorkha District in the evenings. A first distribution is organized to take place tomorrow.
Das Zielgebiet unseres Teams, der District Gorkha, wurde heute am 15.05....
This is typical of Indian roads. Also here, the cows are integrated.
Typisch für indische Straßen. Auch hier sind die Kühe integriert.
Around the shops the cows are calmly looking for something edible..
Um die Geschäfte herum suchen sie in aller Ruhe nach Essbarem.
Sanju, the teacher of the school projects of FriendCircle Worldhelp, together with Venu on the couch of our hotel in Raxaul. Sanju absolutely wanted to accompany us to Nepal and is now in charge of the kitchen management of the camp.
Sanju, die Lehrerin eines der Schulprojekte des FriendCircle WorldHelp,...
After changing money from Indian into Nepalese rupees we proceed to the registration office and the Indian customs.
Nach dem Geldumtausch von indischen in nepalesische Rupien geht es weiter...
Two Indian nurses who will join team 2 and assist Michael in his medical activities.
Zwei indische Krankenschwestern, die Team 2 verstärken und Michael bei...
Loading of the two trucks is almost completed.
Die beiden Trucks sind fast fertig beladen...
While the trucks are loaded with 15 tons of rice and 15 tons of flour, a family of pigs is happily wallowing.
Während die LKW's mit jeweils 15 Tonnen Reis und 15 Tonnen Mehl...
The streets are everywhere very dusty...
Die Straßen sind überall sehr staubig...
For security reasons we are traveling with an armed escort ...
Aus Sicherheitsgründen fahren wir mit bewaffnetem Begleitschutz...
Here, many are wearing respirators as protection against the dust. The streets are unpaved and every waft of air is raising sand and dust. Florian and Jürgen in their new outfit ...
Viel tragen hier Masken als Schutz vor dem Staub. Die Straßen sind...
Arrival in the first villages in the dark. Many houses have either been completely destroyed by the earthquake or have become so fragile that people are scared to go inside.
Ankunft in den ersten Dörfern in der Dunkelheit. Viele Häuser sind nach...
Under plastic tarps as protection against the heavy rain.
Unter Plastikplanen als Schutz vor dem schlimmsten Regen.
A temporary kitchen...
Eine provisorisch aufgebaute Küche...
An old man sadly shows us his dilapidated toilet.
Ein alter Mann zeigt uns traurig seine zerfallene Toilette.
The children are sleeping on the bare earth. Therefore, the next day FriendCircle Worldhelp buys thick thermal mats- two meters by two meters.
Die Kinder schlafen auf der blanken Erde. Deshalb kauft der FriendCircle...
Until well into the night people show us their destroyed homes. All their belongings are buried under the rubble.
Die Menschen zeigen uns bis weit in die Nacht hinein ihre zerstörten...
We thoroughly discuss what we intend to undertake for the village and its surroundings.
Wir besprechen ausführlich, was wir für das Dorf und die Umgebung tun...
Some of the children speak a bit English.  They ask Florian where we come from.
Einige Kinder sprechen ein wenig Englisch. Sie fragen Florian, wo wir...
Mothers with babies...
Mütter mit Babies...
It is often difficult to find flat areas, either it is hillside or there are so many cairns lying around. Therefore, this small kitchen was built in a cornfield.
Oft fehlt es an ebenen Bereichen, entweder ist es Hanglage oder weil so...
The next morning, Jürgen reports to Germany. Frank is in the back office and calls per Skype ...
Jürgen berichtet am nächsten Morgen nach Deutschland. Frank ist im Back-...
The restaurant, where we are having breakfast. The tables have been put outside, because inside it is no longer safe as the walls have become fragile after the earthquake.
Unser Restaurant, in welchem wir frühstücken. Draußen sind Tische...
Our new friend Nabaraj and his son. He showed us the way to the destroyed villages and will help us organize the distribution.
Unser neu gewonnener Freund Nabaraj und sein Sohn. Er zeigte uns den Weg...
Six large bales of thermal mats are bought.
Sechs große Rollen Isomatten werden gekauft.
People gathering for distribution.
Die Menschen sammeln sich zur Verteilung.
The yard goods are cut into equally large pieces.
Die Meterware wird gleich in große Stücke zugeschnitten.
Until late night mats are cut and distributed.
Bis in die Nacht wird geschnitten und verteilt.
The families are patiently waiting for their turn.
Geduldig warten die Familien bis sie an die Reihe kommen.
Many profusely thank the team, here we see Alexandra.
Viele bedanken sich überschwänglich beim Team, hier Alexandra.
The "field kitchen" in operation. Ramavarai cutting green leaves brought by friendly villagers for breakfast. Now we will get food after the night in the tent and a shower in the river.
Die "Feldküche" im Einsatz. Ramavarai schneidet grüne Blätter,...
Florian carrying the bag with the food ration to a remote hut of a 90-year-old couple.
Florian trägt den Sack mit der Essensration zu einer entlegenen Hütte...
Since there are many places we do not reach by taxi, we go on foot to visit the people.
Da wir an vielen Orten nicht mit dem Taxi weiterkommen, besuchen wir die...
Jürgen is filming and writing reports for the friends at home.
Jürgen filmt und schreibt Berichte für die Freunde in der Heimat.
This is the destroyed house of an old couple. Two goats and a cow, the most precious the two possessed, are buried under the rubble.
Hier das zerstörte Haus eines alten Ehepaares. Zwei Ziegen und eine Kuh,...
The temporary accommodation the couple has built provides some shelter for the forthcoming rainy season ...
Die provisorische Unterkunft, die sich die beiden aufgebaut haben. Ein...
This is all the two could save...
Was die beiden noch retten konnten….
Jürgen filming the scenery...
Jürgen filmt die Szenerie...
Here the wife on the debris of their house...
Hier die Frau auf den Trümmern ihres Hauses…
We give her some money which makes her very happy...
Wir geben der Frau etwas Geld, worüber sie sich sehr freut...
Everywhere tents have been pitched as shelter. People are very afraid of further earthquakes.
Überall sind Notunterkünfte in Form von Zelten aufgebaut. Die Menschen...
Everywhere rice fields are greening. The poor Nepalese population is hardworking. Every little piece of land is used to grow something to eat.
Überall grünen die Reisfelder. Die arme nepalesische Bevölkerung ist sehr...
Our camp at night.
Unser Camp in der Nacht
A friendly villager shows Sanju and Alexandra a safe place on the river for  bathing and washing clothes ...
Ein freundlicher Dorfbewohner zeigt Sanju und Alexandra eine niedrige,...
Sanju doing the laundry at the riverside.
Sanju wäscht Wäsche am Fluss
Venu enjoying some rest after the rigors of the journey...
Venu ruht sich von den Strapazen der Reise etwas aus...
Our truck drivers are helping as well...
Auch unsere LKW- Fahrer helfen mit...
Everybody helping...
Alle helfen mit...
At the first place of distribution people have been waiting a long time. The heat is intense, therefore, people protect themselves with umbrellas.
Am 1. Platz unserer Verteilung warten die Menschen lange bevor es losgeht...
Peoples faces show their joy...
Die Freude zeigt sich in den Gesichtern der Menschen...
Jürgen filming the distribution of the flour bags...
Jürgen filmt die Verteilung der Reis- und Mehlsäcke…
When the children realize that Florian begins to hand out cookies, they run quickly to him ...
Als die Kinder merken, dass Florian beginnt, Kekse auszuteilen, laufen sie...
Second place of distribution, where finally some 1.000 persons will be waiting for us...
2. Verteil- Stelle, wo später ca. 1000 Menschen auf uns warten…
Crowds of people jostling around the trucks...
Mengen von Menschen drängeln sich an den Lastern…
... waiting patiently until their names are called by the organization team ...
und warten geduldig, bis sie vom Organisations- Team aufgerufen werden...
The distribution place. Our friend Narein, who lives in the first village, giving instructions from below ...
Die Ausgabestelle. Narein, unser Freund vom 1. Dorf, gibt von unten...
During and after distribution, the treasures are transported with small tractors to the vicinity of the mountain villages, where the people live ...
Während und nach der Verteilung werden die Schätze mit kleinen Traktoren...
The 90- year-old man and his wife sitting sadly in the grass. We learn that he is not able to carry his bags himself.
Traurig sitzen der 90- jährige Mann mit seiner Frau im Gras. Wir erfahren...
Florian carrying the bag to the 'house' of the old man...
Florian trägt den Sack des Mannes "nach Hause"...
The path stretches over several kilometers...
Einige Kilometer dauert der Weg...
... then the old man sadly shows his completely destroyed house on the other side of the mountain. When the house collapsed his arm was broken.
...bis uns der alte Mann traurig sein völlig zerstörtes Häuschen auf der...
Later we hand over some money to the couple so that they can make ends meet for several months ...
Später schenken wir dem Ehepaar etwas Geld, damit er einige Monate über...
Wherever we are, we meet destitue children. We give them small gifts such as cookies, soaps, toothbrushes and one of our great sleeping bags from our friends at home ....
Egal, wo wir uns befinden, begegnen uns Kinder, die bettelarm sind. Wir...
Happy about the gifts, the girl runs home...
Glücklich über die Geschenke läuft das Mädchen nach Hause…
Even at night, we meet children and bring them home with the rickshaw ...
Auch nachts finden wir noch Kinder und begleiten sie mit dem Riksha nach...
In rooms of only a few square meters families live with up to 4 children. Even a small kitchenette is located on the floor of the room ...
In Räumen von ein paar Quadratmetern wohnen Familien mit bis zu 4 Kindern...
To the delight of a poor peasant family, we buy all barrettes and pigtail clips which we will later give to the children ...
Zur Freude einer armen Bauernfamilie kaufen wir alle Haarspangen und...
Jürgen sitting on the bed next to the family's baby...
Jürgen sitzt auf dem Bett neben dem Baby der Familie...
The children are happy about the small gifts that we buy at the wooden stalls ...
Die Kinder freuen sich riesig über kleine Geschenke, die wir an den...
Stephan who crosses our path gives us valuable tips...
Stephan, der unseren Weg kreuzt, gibt uns wertvolle Tipps...
Thank you letter received after distribution of goods.
Dankesbrief nach der Verteilung
Overview map for the 2nd part of the trip focusing on medical treatment. The medical camp will be set up in the city of Sunkhani. In this region many people have died in the quake.
Übersichtskarte für den 2. Teil der Reise mit Schwerpunkt Medizin. Im Ort...
Katrin, Michael, Alexandra and Florian traveling by horse-drawn carriage to the Immigration Office of Nepal, to take the accessories for the medical camp across the border.
Katrin, Michael, Alexandra und Florian fahren mit dem Pferdewagen zum...
Journey to the Indian-Nepalese border by horse cart to pick up the luggage of Michael and Katrin.
The vehicle for the trip to the mountains is ready packed.
Das Fahrzeug für die Fahrt in die Berge ist fertig gepackt
A child is given a ride. Without moving it sits for hours in the car, probably it has been traumatized by the quake.
Sie sitzt stundenlang regungslos im Auto...
Thorns in his leg and thorn clothes.
Dornen am Bein und zerissene Kleidung.
During a rest, the girl eats two big plates of rice. 
Later we part company.
Photo taken out of the car window.
Aus dem Autofenster fotografiert.
Impressions from the journey.
Impressionen von der Fahrt.
Impressions from the journey.
Impressionen von der Fahrt.
In this region the 2nd quake raged, leaving huge destruction.
In dieser Region hat das 2. Beben gewütet und sehr große Zerstörung...
After the 2nd earthquake on May 12 when our team 1 was in Motihari whole areas are destroyed. Here a house in Charikot. Our trip to the mountain villages, where no help has yet arrived, will take another 2.5 hours.
Ganze Landstriche sind nach dem 2. Erdbeben am 12. Mai, wo sich unser Team...
Field kitchen
Ein "Restaurant".
The tent camp
Das Zeltcamp.
At dawn...
In der Dämmerung…
This house we photographed on the journey from Charikot direction Sunkhani. It has two floors and is lopsided, and there is only one meter distance to the neighboring house which remained intact.
Dieses Haus fotografierten wir auf der Fahrt ab Charikot Richtung Sunkhani...
The doctor's office being prepared
On our way back, about three days later, it has further collapsed: now it is "one-storied" and the neighboring house is now also broken.
Auf der Rückfahrt, nach etwa drei Tagen, ist es weiter zusammengefallen:...
A shelf that Michael organized from a broken home.
Everywhere we see people on the ruins of their existence. Desperate, but without losing courage they try to save with bare hands, whatever can be saved. We often stop and give people some money to buy tools.
Überall sieht man Menschen auf den Trümmern ihrer Existenz. Verzweifelt,...
The first day > 200 patients get treatment-
Am ersten Tag werden > 200 Patienten behandelt.
A small child is examined.
We beckon people from the car to approach us.
Wir winken die Menschen aus dem Auto zu uns heran.
It's hard to find words for what we experience when we hand over something the people. The gratitude shown in their faces and their expression is indescribable.
Es ist schwer, Worte dafür zu finden, was wir erleben, wenn wir den...
The bivouac
Das Nachtlager.
Searching for building materials in the rubble, many patiens have been injured. Like many others this young man stepped into a rusty nail.
Viele Patienten haben sich bei der Suche nach Baumaterial in den Trümmern...
Due to landslides this river dammed and flooded houses.
Aufgrund von Steinlawinen staute sich dieser Fluss und überflutete Häuser.
Michael performing surgery.
Many children here are traumatized. We give them cookies and pani poori, a hot Indian candy. This gives them a few moments of relief, a few moments of untroubled childhood ...
Viele Kinder hier sind traumatisiert. Wir verschenken Kekse und Pani Poori...
Patients sitting in the shade after treatment..
Die versorgten Patienten sitzen im Schatten.
We call her Ronja, an approximately 11-year-old, traumatized and probably handicapped girl, whom we found on a river, where she was drawing from her hands and drinking dirty water.
Wir nennen sie Ronja, ein etwa 11- jähriges, traumatisiertes und wohl auch...
The queue is hardly decreasing.
Die Schlange wird kaum kürzer.
Her clothes littered with spines, she holds a small dirty plastic bag with some cookies and an oranget, firmly in her hand. Alone in the wilderness but Ronja refuses to come with us.
Von Stacheln an ihrer Kleidung übersäät, hält sie eine kleine schmutzige...
Michael gently picks her up on his arms, and we drive with child who does not speak, towards the mountains.
Michael nimmt sie kurzerhand behutsam auf seinen Arm und wir fahren mit...
Each time we stop and eat something, Ronja not only eats two plates of rice like a full-grown man,  but seven!
Immer, wenn wir anhalten und etwas essen, isst Ronja nicht, wie z.B. ein...
As long as we do not look at her in the car Ronja smiles. Unfortunately we cannot capture this exprssion of hers with the camera. The following day we ask everywhere, but since no one knows her, we bring Ronja at the end of our trip to a children's home, which our Indian friend Ramavarai knows well.
Immer, wenn wir im Auto nicht hinsehen und sie nicht beachten, lächelt...
After a wild storm with rain and lightning is over as we arrive in Sunkhani, Florian and Michael still pitch tents. This is a photo taken later, as the first night the two had to pitch the tents without lighting (no electricity) ... -  just with starlight ...
Nachdem ein wilder Sturmregen und Gewitter, nach der Ankunft in Sunkhani,...
During the camp we are using the tents ourselves, afterwards they are given away. In this photo, the right tent still stands between the bamboo poles of the medical "receiving station".
Während des Camps benutzen wir die Zelte selbst, danach werden sie...
Like everywhere in Nepal also here military forces are stationed. Upon our request they willingly help us.
Wie überall in Nepal sind auch hier Militärleute stationiert. Auf Anfrage...
At night, the tents brought along are used to  house the patients after treatment.
Nachts werden die mitgebrachten Zelte für die behandelten Patienten...
On the first morning Michael shortly discusses with Mingmar, our mountain guide, the situation and the establishment of the medical camp.
Am ersten Morgen bespricht Michael mit Mingmar, unserem Bergführer, kurz...
Florian and Michael attach tarps around the bamboo sticks providing shadow against the intense heat, and screen the material.
Florian und Michael bringen Planen, als Schattenspender gegen die große...
A first treatment room is makeshift set up. From the rubble of a collapsed house Michael pulls out an old rack.
Notdürftig wird ein erster Behandlungsraum eingerichtet. Michael zieht aus...
Florian keeps on filming scenes of the action ...
Nebenher filmt Florian immer wieder Szenen des Geschehens...
Michael explaining last details to the nurses...
Michael erklärt den Krankenschwestern noch letzte Details...
Then it gets started. Mingmar translates ...
Dann kann es losgehen. Mingmar übersetzt...
In the meantime, Katrin is already busy writing reports ...
In der Zwischenzeit ist Katrin schon fleißig am Berichteschreiben…
Raz, our new friend (red striped shirt), who in Charikot spontaneously joint us and promised to help translating Michaels diagnoses ...
Raz, unser neuer Freund, der in Charikot spontan ins Auto einstieg und...
In parallel with the first receiving station Michael has already built another one.  The military was so kind to vacate a tent and put it at our disposal. Here we see Florian and a soldier installing an oxygen cylinder.
Michael hat parallel zur ersten "Aufgang- Station" bereits eine...
Raz, a young man who had offered us his help in Charikot and Prabhu, our electrician who provides power, carry the medical accessories in the big metal boxes that Florian and Alexandra had bought in Birgunj, to the medical tent. 2
Raz, ein junger Mann, der uns kurzentschlossen in Charikot seine Hilfe...
The first more serious cases are brought to the medical tent 2. The military is now actively helping.
Erste schwerere Fälle werden zum Medizinzelt 2 gebracht. Das Militär hilft...
Another patient is brought to medical tent 2.
Ein weiterer Patient wird zum Medizinzelt 2 gebracht.
First consultation. Long lines of people standing on the makeshift tent (made of bamboo sticks with plastic sheeting) to report Michael about their health problems.
Erstanamnese. Lange Menschenschlangen stehen am provisorisch...
Michael listing up needed medicine.  Mingmar will buy it in the evening in Kathmandu, as he must go there to get the tools and solar cells that we need for some localities.
Was an Medizin fehlt, schreibt Michael auf. Mingmar wird es am Abend in...
At the first receiving station blood pressure is measured and first data of the patients are recorded ..
Vor der ersten Auffangstation werden Blutdruck gemessen und erste Daten...
Michael explains and all help as best they can ...
Michael erklärt und alle helfen mit, so gut sie können...
... of course also our Indian nurses...
Natürlich auch unsere indischen Krankenschwestern...
The little boy has been comiting for days and has diarrhea.
Der kleine Junge übergibt sich seit Tagen und hat Durchfall.
To ensure longer-term follow-up we have him sent to a hospital in Kathmandu by Mingmar, together with his parents, shortly before our departure ... In the background is the father with a can of water. With the little boy in a wicker basket they walked for hours through the mountains, when they heard of the German doctor. The parents cannot afford medical treatment for their boy.
Damit er eine längerfristige Nachbetreuung haben kann, übergeben wir ihn...
Each patient receives a slip of paper with his name and a number. One after the other each number is called. Meanwhile also the military is actively helping  ...
Jeder Patient bekommen einen Zettel mit seinem Namen und einer Nummer....
Inside the medical camp...
Im Medizinzelt...
The hernia of little Sania is operated...
Der Leistenbruch der kleinen Sania wird operiert...
Florian assists, if something is needed. He straightens the lamp battery, needed by Michael for the OP and which slips from time to time to the rear ...
Florian assistiert, wenn etwas gebraucht wird. Hier rückt er den Akku der...
Shortly after the surgery. Bravely the father and the mother waiting outside until the operation is over.
Kurz nach der OP. Tapfer warteten der Vater und die Mutter draußen, bis...
Michael carries the child under a shady tarp for waking up. Despite a fan it is hotter in the tent than outside.
Zum Aufwachen trägt Michael das Kind unter eine schattige Plane. Im Zelt...
Slowly Sania wakes up from anesthesia. We had given her the teddy the day before.
Langsam wacht Sania aus der Narkose auf. Den Teddy hatte wir ihr tagszuvor...
Mom is happy and relieved...
Die glückliche und erleichterte Mutter...
The child with his parents the day after the surgery.
Das Kind mit seinen Eltern am Tag nach der Operation.
The very next day ... and we are happy together with little Sania.
Schon am nächsten Tag… und auch wir freuen uns mit der kleinen Sania.
Another patient, injured by rusty nails...
Noch ein Patient, verletzt durch rostige Nägel...
The electrical system of the sterilization pressure cooker is not working. Michael decides without further ado to sterilize with fire.
Die Elektrik des Sterilisations- Dampfkochtopfes funktioniert nicht....
He explains the soldiers what to do...
Er erklärt den Soldaten, was zu tun ist…
Many people wait outside the medical tent with their notes.
Viele Menschen warten vor dem Medizinzelt mit ihren Zetteln.
Our friend Wasti ensures discipline and instructs the people ...
Unser Freund Wasti diszipliniert die Menschen und weist sie ein...
Time is running out, because it takes four days for the return journey to reach our flights to Germany ... - people have been waiting a long time with their notes and hope for their turn. These people cannot afford medicine in the hospitals because they have lost almost everything ...
Die Zeit wird knapp, da wir vier Tage für die Rückreise brauchen, um...
Shortly before our departure, some people still come directly into the tent. Fortunately, Michael was able to meet ALL people and none has come in vain ...
Kurz vor Aufbruch kommen noch einige Menschen direkt ins Zelt....
During these days we buy three solar charging stations for various areas, so that the people can again recharge their cell phones and reach their relatives in the distance and can power small lights for the night with electricity.
Während dieser Tage kaufen wir den Menschen drei Solarladestationen für...
In addition, we buy 4800 kg of urgently needed nails in three different sizes, as well as saws, hammers and pliers. Here the treasures are being delivered ...
Außerdem kaufen wir 4800 kg dringend benötigte Nägel in drei verschiedenen...
Before distribution
Vor der Verteilung.
Mingmar returns by taxi to buy saws, nails and hammers - important tools for the repair of the housings.
Nepal is a "do-it-yourself market for wood", but there are no tools ...
Nepal ist ein "Holz- Baumarkt", aber ohne Werkzeuge…
There is great joy...
Die Freude ist riesig...
The very next day, the villagers have built the framework for a house with the tools and nails, which we bought in Kathmandu ..
Schon am nächsten Tag haben die Dorfbewohner das Gerüst für ein Haus mit...
We leave our power generator to the villagers...
Unseren Stromgenerator lassen wir den Dorfbewohnern da...
Prabhu, our electrician
Prabhu, unser Elektriker
The current generator densely surrounded. After two weeks, this is the first opportunity to load cell phones.
Der Stromgenerator ist die ganze Zeit immer dicht umlagert. Nach zwei...
At the end we give away the remaining sleeping bags and thermal mats that were collected in Roland's  Alpinladen. The kids can not believe that they are chosen and think that we want to make a photo with them. After the photo they give us the things back, until they understand that these are now theirs ..
Am Ende verschenken wir die restlichen Schlafsäcke und Isomatten, die in...
This mom is happy about the insulating mat and outdoor jackets ..
Diese Mama freut sich über Alumatte und Outdoor- Jacken...
Gobi receives jacket and shoes ...
Gobi bekommt noch Jacke und Schuhe geschenkt...
Katrin regularly supplies the team with tea and water, which is more than necessary in the heat ...
Katrin versorgt das Team regelmäßig mit Tee und Wasser, was bei der Hitze...