

Reise vom 29.03 bis 10.04.2015
Fotos & Videos:
Back in Delhi. Before returning home, the soup kitchen is activated again. A free meal and a drink for people living on the street ...
Zurück in Delhi. Vor der Heimreise wird noch einmal die Suppenküche...
... while Katrin is taking pictures...
…während Katrin fotografiert…
The small clay houses are partly very brittle. Nevertheless, people are happy to get new Eternit roofs to protect them from the rain ...
Die kleinen Lehmhäuschen sind teilweise sehr brüchig. Dennoch sind die...
Time to curiously watch the guests and make little jokes ...
Zeit für neugieriges Betrachten der Gäste und kleine Späße...
At several places food is distributed to the street children in Delhi.
An verschiedenen Stellen wird an die Straßenkinder in Delhi Essen verteilt
Katrin, our project manager meticulously lists up all expenses. Our friend, the "man without a nose" is happy that we are back. At the second last visit FriendCircle Worldhelp financed the construction of his hut. The old one, made of straw, had collapsed.
Katrin, unsere Projektleiterin, notiert akribisch alle Ausgaben. Unser...
A hot meal where you can eat one's fill...
Eine warme Mahlzeit, bei der man sich mal richtig satt essen kann...
FriendCircle Worldhelp finances the construction of canopies in a leprosy village, so that in the rainy season no water penetrates into the small rooms.
Der FriendCircle WorldHelp finanziert den Bau von Vordächern in einem...
Teaching material bought by FriendCircle WorldHelp
Lehrmaterial, welches der FriendCircle WorldHelp gekauft hat.
Well drilling in colony near Kamareddy, State of Telangana. Katja photographing small eggplants. This field used to be wasteland. Thanks to the well drilled in November, arable farming has now become possible.
Brunnenbohrung in Kolonie Nähe Kamareddy, Bundesstaat Telangana. Katja...
About a year ago this child was suffering from severe malnutrition. Thanks to dietary supplements from FriendCircle Worldhelp today the child is healthy!
Vor ca. einem Jahr litt dieses Kind an starker Unterernährung. Dank...
Second helping being distributed ;-)
Es wird Nachschlag verteilt ;-)
The courtyard is transformed into a building site. Note the interesting vehicle, by which the roofing sheets are being delivered.
Der Innenhof verwandelt sich in eine Baustelle. Man beachte das...
Venu with the schoolchildren in a classroom. In the background you can see the stock boxes with school supplies. Also these were financed by FriendCircle WorldHelp ...
Venu mit den Schulkindern im Klassenraum. Im Hintergrund die Vorratskisten...
The well supplies more water than expected and the villagers are very hopeful for the next well drilling.
Der Brunnen fördert mehr Wasser als erwartet und die Dorfbewohner sind...
Holes are dug for the foundations of the pillars.
Löcher für die Fundamente der Stützen werden ausgehoben.
Bapuji colony: In the only common room of the village school children are waiting for Katya, Marika and Katrin. Clothing, school supplies and tutoring are regularly paid by FriendCircle Worldhelp.
Kolonie Babuji: Im einzigen Gemeinschaftsraum des Dorfes warten die...
Testing the learning progress ;-) The little ones eagerly demonstrating, what they have learned. All are pleased with the progress.
Lernkontrolle ;-) Die Kleinen führen voller Eifer vor, was sie gelernt...
The team of geologists at work, determining the best locations fordrilling.
Das Team des Geologen bei der Arbeit. Es werden die besten Stellen für die...
Here you can see the stock of bricks for the pillars. In addition, panels will be supplied for the roofs. As usual in India, everything is unloaded by hand and neatly piled up.
Hier sieht man den Vorrat an Ziegelsteinen für die Stützen. Dazu werden...
Many thanks!
Vielen Dank!!
Children with their parents are living in suchlike huts.
In Hütten wie diesen leben die Kinder mit ihren Eltern.
Other countries, other customs. Here, the chalk is simply wiped off with greenery -  this costs nothing and is effective;-)
Andere Länder, andere Sitten. Hier wird die Kreide einfach mit Grünzeug...
The drilling team has arrived and after a religious ceremony it starts work.
Das Bohrteam ist eingetroffen und nach einer religiösen Zeremonie beginnt...
Urgently needed goods and school materials are purchased for the colony.
Es werden dringend benötigte Güter und Schulmaterialien für die Kolonie...
New roof elements are delivered.
Neue Dachelemente werden geliefert...
There is always great joy, here is Marika with one of the girls.
Die Freude ist wie immer riesengroß, hier Marika mit einem der Mädchen.
The frist drilling test is running.
Der erste Bohrversuch läuft.
In this remote area it had so far not been possible for the children of the leprosy villages to go to school. FriendCircle Worldhelp made it possible by talking to the principal ...
In dieser abgelegenen gegend war es vorher nicht möglich, dass Kinder aus...
At various places food is distributed to the street children in Delhi.
An verschiedenen Stellen wird an die Straßenkinder in Delhi Essen verteilt
And immediately mounted.
Und gleich montiert.
Part 2 - Colony Chakia: The school children have gathered in the class room. All are eagerly waiting for the distribution of the school material and new clothes.
Teil 2 - Kolonie Chakia: Die Schulkinder haben sich im Schulraum...
Unfortunately, two drilling tests were not successful this time ...
Leider waren diesmal zwei Bohrversuche nicht erfolgreich...
The school children have gathered on a tarp in the courtyard.
Die Schulkinder sind im Innenhof auf einer Plane versammelt.
Marika distributes the very popular mango juice...
Marika teilt den sehr beliebten Mangosaft aus...
The old roofs are removed...
Die alten Dächer werden abgenommen...
Distribution of fruit.
Verteilung von Obst.
A snake hill near the village.
Ein Schlangenhügel in der Nähe des Dorfes.
Also here FriendCircle Worldhelp finances tutoring for all students. Katrin and Venu reviewing the learning progress of the children. The tutor (in the colorful sari) sits in the background.
Auch hier finanziert der FriendCircle WorldHelp Nachhilfeunterricht für...
Katja handing out 'stuffed parantha "(Indian potato pancakes) to the children.
Katja überreicht den Kindern "Stuffed Parantha“ (indischen...
The common room from the outside...
Der Gemeinschaftsraum von außen...
Each child gets an orange and some grapes - vitamins that the inhabitants of this colony leprosy affected otherwise cannot afford ...
Jedes Kind bekommt eine Orange und einige Trauben - Vitamine, die sich die...
Traditional field work with a team of oxen.
Traditionelle Feldarbeit mit einem Ochsengespann.
Visit to the Chota Phool colony. FriendCircle Worldhelp funded the construction of canopies in front of the huts of the inhabitants. The material has hardly arrived as work already starts. One of the pillars of the new canopies.
Besuch der Kolonie Chota Phool. Der FriendCircle WorldHelp finanziert den...
April 2015 - Katrin, Marika and Katja in India - projects are: soup kitchen, schools and wells: At the beginning of the stay food is distributed at various places in Delhi to the street children.
April 2015 - Katrin, Marika und Katja in Indien - Projekte Suppenküche,...
The children are presenting samples of their school knowledge.
Die Kinder zeigen Proben ihres Schulwissens...
The well supplying drinking water.
Der Brunnen für Trinkwasser.